Tuesday, May 31, 2005

At last, the Holy Grail

Everything you've ever wanted to know about Duane Reade, and more.
I find it interesting that they started expanding the year I moved to the city, and now that I have moved out, all my questions are finally answered. It's like they were only there to mock my pain. (Narcissistic much?) I made a Duane Reade reference at work the other day - the girl had no idea what I was talking about. That's probably a good thing, but like the quote in the article,"you shake your head and marvel, but you don't exactly rush to copy it." If nothing else, I gained from my time in NYC a sense of superiority, bragging rights that are valid for years to come. As exemplified by Duane Reade.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Memorial Day tribute

This upcoming weekend is Memorial Day weekend. Maria and Kris are coming to visit, and I am so excited! It's funny...

In New York, which until recently was the center of my universe (who knew how right-on that New Yorker cartoon really is) Memorial Day weekend was a cataclysmic event. You could practically feel the earth shift starting the week before, as the city hummed with vacation plans, each year's trying to top the year's before. Tonight, the Thursday night before the Holiday, all the young singles would be going out, celebrating the "big night" before the "big day", and in part, the closing down of the city for the summer. Because it really does shut down.

Friday of Memorial Day, businesses start closing at noon, one, or three - I dare anyone to find a business in the media industry that stays open later. City streets get jam packed - everyone on the road at once heading east to the Hamptons or Fire Island, west to the Jersey shore, and, these days, north, for upstate. (Mark my words on that real estate tip). The line for the Hampton Jitney backs up for blocks on 40th street, as the fashionistas talk on their cell phones, page through Us Weekly, and sigh while waiting for the right bus. It's a virtual fashion show and a who's who of NYC - fun and sickening all at the same time.

By 7 PM on Friday night, New York is a ghost town. Sure, there are a good amount of people - couples, mostly - who opt to leave for their vacation on Sat morning and beat the rush. That makes sense in theory, but really, the only reason for having plans on Memorial Day is for the sake of having plans and being able to talk about them on Tuesday morning. And the Friday afternoon rush and first night of the summer is practically a requrement for full bragging rights.

After Memorial Day, the city isn't the same until September. People make plans to be away every weekend. Many companies, especially those in the media industry, cater to this lifestyle by providing employees with Summer Fridays. Of course, the reason for this must have stemmed from the fact that the city is truly unbearable in the summer. The heat gets trapped between the metal skyscrapers, steams up from the sidewalk, and roasts the streets and people in them like a pressure cooker. Central Park - nature to the city dwellers - becomes hot and uncomfortable, and those that sunbathed freely in May can't even enjoy the shadows in July. So the heat plays a part, but one easily forgotten in the wake of coolness being displayed elsewhere.

City bars empty out - good for getting a reservation at Spice Market - but not for meeting new people or even feeling like you are at a cool place. And with those few people you do meet, you have to explain WHY you are in the city that particular weekend; it is not because you are a loser and have no place to go, rather, it is because you need a break from all the traveling you have been doing all summer, or because you have friends in town visiting, or some other arbitrary reason that suggests of course you KNOW it is so uncool to stay in the city during a weekend in the summer, and that makes you all the more cool for breaking the rules and being there.

Some people like the quiet. I hated it. The first few summers I was there (with no place to go) I would sit at Starbucks for hours and look at the people, and long for Labor Day and the return of the world. When I realized that was pathetic, I started planning my weekends like everyone else. I didn't have a house in the Hamptons, but I could visit friends there, or in Boston, or anywhere, really, as long as the area code wasn't 212. Then came the Jersey shore - the poor man's Hamptons escape. That was a truly fabulous way of getting out of town every other weekend, having a legitimate reason for getting out of the city, and even appreciating the weekends I stayed at home. Then, last summer, I outdid myself. Every NYC is comprised of 16 weekends counting from Mem Day to Labor Day. I managed to be away for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. About 8 were spent on the Jersey shore, another 4 were traveling for business, I had 2 wedding activity weekends, 1 trip to LA, and 1 non-work trip to the Hamptons. When I knew I could never top that, I had to move out here.

Now, if my friends weren't coming in this weekend, there would really be no indicator of the fact that it is a long weekend. I don't think anyone in my office has plans to go away, at least not for more than a day. We don't close early; I don't know anyone out here that does. Very little is even being said of the fact that it is a Holiday. And when you think about it, the Holiday itself is a memorium to those who have passed, which isn't really a celebratory idea. Yet, the day is somehow synonymous in my mind with barbeques, beach volleyball, and beer.

I am glad for the change. I spent too many summers pining like a female Gilligan - constantly looking for ways to get off that island. Now that I have, I haven't totally shed myself of the instinct to escape my habitat, but for the first time in years, I am exactly where I want to be.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

T minus one year and two weeks

Two weeks from today I turn 29. As Forrest Gump so astutely articulated, "That's really all I have to say about that."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Happy Two Months

Two months ago today I flew to LA. I remember sitting in my tiny NYC apt writing that "two months from today I would BE in LA" or something like that, and now, I'm here. The move is done. It's official. I have an apartment, a car, and a job. So what have I been doing in the last month? Let's recap:
- Started my job - which means I have gotten two paychecks! Whew! Just in time to pay those bills that have accumulated!
- Flew to Phoenix; can now cross that off of my list of cities I have never visited. I can also cross it off my list of cities I could care less if I ever visited again.
- Went to Huntington Beach for a night, which was gorgeous. I heart the OC.
- Actually started watching the OC - a few seasons later than everyone else, but a quality show. (If I was 14, maybe).
- Made huge progress on the apartment, furnishing-wise.
- Went to the beach just for the sun! Mmmm, tan...
- Made some interesting professional contacts - everyone here, it seems, really does work in entertainment.
And of the wasting time variety:
- Obsessively purchased stretched canvas wall art from here, here, and here.
- Discovered fun new websites that celebrate celebrity fashion mishaps like this.
- And most recently, losing brain cells by the second watching such stimulating programming as this and this. Three hours of the Bachelor, though? Really, no need.

I'm sure I have done many other things, but these stick out in my mind as the highlights of Month Two. Stay tuned for Month Three...


Tuesday, May 17, 2005

ZBT or Sammy?

Regardless, I don't remember seeing these guys at 44's. Bummer. Looks like they'd be good to know now.

Monday, May 16, 2005

More wall art on the way

I just ordered the pink and orange flower one for my living room, to replace the not-exactly-ugly-but-uber-generic flower twins I have used as filler til now. I am so excited. And I am now BEYOND obsessed with this website - which I have a feeling will be furnishing my entire bedroom. Internet shopping is just too addictive. Shop Etc be damned. And that is the power of PR, my friends, to get suckers like me to make impulse purchases based on what they saw in a magazine. Kind of ironic that I both make my living and then consequently spend it this way. Hey - I believe in what I do. If there weren't people like me, I'd be out of a job.


Friday, May 13, 2005

Crashing into Don Cheadle

I saw the movie Crash last night. It was great - fantastic ensemble cast, and the movie was all about airing every racial prejudice imaginable with complete, politically-incorrect candor. The funny part was that Don Cheadle was sitting right in the audience! He and someone else were sitting in the far back corner, and we never would have known if the teenage ticket collector at the theater hadn't told us, "You guys are in for a treat tonight - Don Cheadle is sitting in the audience." I'm sure DC would be thrilled at his "outing". Nevertheless, if anyone else knew, they didn't let on, and DC was out the door by the time the lights came back on.

Gorgeous, beautiful, sunny weekend ahead. I plan to spend it at the beach and brown myself until I look like Don Cheadle. Okay, maybe more like Michael Pena. But if there was ever any doubt about my condition, the NYT has now confirmed what I have known for ten years.


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The most exciting thing to land on my wall since the cockroaches in Club 304 Posted by Hello


Welcome to La Grange, Dorothy - there is no place like home

I am so happy. I found this great original piece of art on Craig's List this week - a framed charactature/cartoon portrait of old-Hollywood actress Dorothy Lamour, which initially came directly from her estate sale at Sothebys after she died in 1996. It is about 2 and a half feet tall, and is signed by all the cast members from one of her runs in "Hello Dolly", which could have been any time between the late 1960's and mid 1970's. I don't recognize any of the names/signatures, which is fine, because I didn't know who she was in the first place. But I only paid $20 for it, and it is by FAR the coolest and most ME thing I have in this entire apartment. See above pic...


Monday, May 09, 2005

Oh, and one more thing

Does anyone think that my dream of J.Lo being preggers with Ben's baby was prophetic of the Jennifer Garner news?


I've spent the last two weeks at work developing this PR program for the company. It was to encompass all aspects of the business, and I am presenting it to my bosses at lunch today. To be frank, I think it kicks ass, although since I am new to the company and haven't written/planned for them before, there's always the small chance I could be completely off base. That would really suck. This also signifies the end of the "free ride" - the last two weeks have been pretty much smooth sailing with me just writing down my recommendations; now, after this presentation, I will actually have to make them happen. Oh well, that's why they call it work.

I did the Santa Monica stairs again on Sat. This time, I found the other set, and alternated between sets on the two. The new set was all concrete, so more secure, but much steeper than the others and much narrower as well; so, even though they were more challenging, they were less enjoyable than the ones I did in the first place. As if to re-iterate my "only in LA" observation, there was a guy at the bottom of one of the sets lifting a tree trunk over his head. A tree trunk. Like one you'd see on the ESPN "Strongest Man" contests. The funniest part was that when he left he apparently took it with him. Which means he actually transported the log there and back for the sole purpose of lifting it in plain sight at the bottom of the stairs. I mean, if there was just a random log there, I could understand spontaneously using it as a weight device - people there do crunches and push ups and stretches like it was a regular gym. But no, the thought process was obviously: be out in nature, do like the natures do. Or something like that. There was also a woman who did the stairs with a baby nestled into her snuggly - the baby had to be at least nine months to a year old, or more, and weigh at least 20 pounds. Props to you, lady.

The most exciting news of my weekend was that I finally got a dresser. I actually got it from an ad on Craig's List, and the guy was able to deliver it to me. I like it so much (and it is smaller than I thought) so I am considering going back to him and buying the matching 4-drawer dresser. When I went out to buy drawer liners, I ended up picking up some other goodies at Bed Bath and Beyond, and last night was the first time I felt like the place really looked like MINE, and not some stranger's. Woo hoo. Maria and Kris are coming to visit for Memorial Day weekend, so they are my motivation to de-ghettoize my apartment. Slowly, but surely, it will happen.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Bachelor loser spotted at LA Fitness, Westwood

Sarah W, the obnoxious blond that Charlie finally kicked off the show this week, was at my gym tonight. She looked the same - good - even in gym clothes. I personally think Charlie is the biggest loser ABC has ever chosen for The Bachelor, and I have a feeling he and she will be hanging out in LA once the show is over and he comes back here. Maybe he can upgrade her to a better gym (and take me as well).
Meanwhile, I am voting for Krisily. They can swap brain cells and not miss a beat, while little Sarah B. who has a brain and a heart would be sure to get her heart broken.
I need a life.


Memories of Cinco de Mayo

05.05.97 - Gorgeous warm, sunny day in Syracuse, must have been a Thursday or Friday. I remember me, Maria, Melson, and Magada, among others, drinking Coronas on the front lawn of our sorority house. In broad daylight. When it started getting chilly, we changed and went to Lucy's. The tradition was born.

05.05.99 - Gorgeous, warm, 80 degree Friday in NYC. It was my first year working at Behrman, and after lunch, no one could concentrate on work. So I suggested to Andrea, kind of jokingly, that we do a Cinco de Mayo party in the office. She thought it was a great idea, and apparently so did Nancy, because the next thing I knew, Jill Lavorgna and I were sent out to shop for Coronas and ice and all that. I think we must have had a problem finding cases or six-packs of Corona, because we came back with 40's - who knew they made 40's of Corona? The party started early - maybe around 4, because I remember thinking it was much earlier than we would normally celebrate someone's birthday. In any case, when it was time to leave, I got to take some of the 40's with me. I arrived home, and Ryan was just hanging out, so we split the 40's. A half hour later, Greaux was over, Martoken was rummaging through Ryan's closet for a shirt that didn't stink, and Tom was telling stories from Jury duty. Tom had gotten off jury duty at 5, and had spent the interim at a bar, so he was a little further along than we were. A night of craziness ensued on a small strip of second avenue. The standard I have held every CdeM up to since.

05.05.01 - The end of the world as I knew it. Dakota - my favorite UES bar by FAR - was closing. On Cinco de Mayo. It must have been on a Saturday because we had a bunch of people over at the apartment beforehand, and we all went. I don't remember much, but it was the night that I met BigHairyBeast and a summer dodging phone calls ensued. Shout out, Schlomo! Happy 25th!

05.05.02 - Another gorgeous, sunny day in NYC. Except this time it fell on a Sunday, so we (me, Maria, Kris) were all in Central Park. I convinced them to hit McFadden's for a few drinks, but it just felt wrong. An Irish Bar on CdeM? On a Sunday? I think it led to the downfall of my holiday experience. Since then, I don't think I have done anything memorable to celebrate.

05.05.05 - I am just writing that for the sake of writing it. It is a cold (high 60's) cloudy day. They have been predicting rain, although I haven't seen any yet. I know a bunch of people going out tonight, but none whose plans I really want to make my own. Maybe I will change my mind - especially given my proneness to nostalgia, but the gym is seeming quite dandy as of right now.


Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Um... I got nothin

My uncle recently titled a post, "Change is the new normal". However, for me, the opposite seems to be true - Normal is the new change. My life has suddenly settled into a rare degree of normalcy, and so I haven't found anything out of the ordinary to write about.
I commute to work everyday. It takes about 45 minutes each way. I enjoy the Jamie and Danny show in the morning on 98.7, peppered with a little Ryan Seacrest on 102.3.
I work with nice people. They are normal.
I have gone out on the weekends.
I go to the gym at night.
I still don't have a dresser for my bedroom; that's not normal.
This sounds like a column in Star magazine. Only not as fun.
: (