Sunday, February 27, 2005

I love my friends

Other than driving, that will be the hardest transition to LA. The fact that my friends here have known me for so many years, and, even more so, still like me. No one (except Rebecca) is married; we are all the same kids that came here in 1998 straight from AZD. Maria will be next, but she's in Boston. All my other friends, I am as close to, if not closer than, I was in college. SEVEN YEARS LATER.
I got nuthin in LA. Tracy, maybe Sara, if we become buddies. I am moving to LA and looking for a MAN, b/c I do not expect to ever make girlfriends comparable to the ones I have here. So why I am I leaving, exactly? That is the one thing I struggle with. My friends are the only things that give me joy, give me peace, make me inherently happy no matter what. And why am I so willing to leave that? I could come back in a year and never catch up on what I missed.
I guess what I am saying is that whatever is pulling me west is SO forceful, that it has overridden this issue. Sad? I don't know. Stupid? Maybe. But, yeah, sad. I love my friends. Cara, Heather, Kris, Maria, in no particular order, I love you like sisters. And I've never had real sisters, so I hold them that much more special.


Saturday, February 26, 2005

Driving in LA

It has been a long and interesting week.

I went to LA last Monday for the big girl trip. As luck would have it I was actually seated in between the only two good looking guys on the plane. I even talked to one for while until he bored me to death with news of his company, promotion, stock options, real estate ventures, and stock portfolio. And then I politely started reading everything in front of me and avoided eye contact all together. He never asked for my number. Oh well.

When we landed, the moment of truth had arrived. I was to drive, for the first time in forever, down the mean streets and freeways of LA. Now, I don't know what it was I was so nervous about; I think it was really the fear of being afraid. In anticipation of all of this, I kept picturing having a panic attack and forgetting how to drive, or getting confused between the brake and the gas, or unwittingly driving with my lights off in the dark. When I sat down in the seat and actually started the car, none of that happened. All of a sudden my driving legs were on and it was like no time had passed at all since I drove little Funky Fitness home from NYC six and a half years ago. I turned out of Avis, got right on the freeway, and was fully enjoying myself.

It turns out what I really should have been concerned about was GETTING LOST. Because that is what I did practically every time I was in the car for the duration of my trip. The first thing I learned is that the freeway exits are not numbered. If I knew to simply look out for "exit 22" for example, maybe I wouldn't have gotten confused among the 30 different exits with "Santa Monica" in the directive. So, I somehow got off too early, getting onto the 10, but I knew as soon as I did it that it was wrong, and I wasn't concerned. I figured I would get off the 10, turn around, get back on going the other way, and get back on the 405 to continue my trip. Well, that would have been the most sensical thing to do. However, the second thing I learned is that the streets, freeways, and exit signs in LA are completely non-sensical - there is little rhyme or reason to anything road-related. When I got off the 10, I saw just a second too late the street sign for the street I was to have taken to Santa Monica Blvd. Of course, it was further down than I should have been, but had I seen it a second earlier, I might have gotten on it and found my way right then. But, no. I was headed through the streets of Santa Monica, driving aimlessly, and still rather enjoying the adventure. I found myself on the same route that Ryan had taken me on a year prior, passing landmarks like the Westside Pavillion, Beverly Glen, and more. It all looked familiar, but didn't really help much.

All in all, I was still not nervous. I finally stopped at a gas station, where they told me I was only two blocks from Wilshire, where I needed to be, and so I continued on my way. Things I learned number 3: Street signs on major LA streets are marked half a block in advance of the street they are supposed to represent. I flew right by Wilshire, and found myself in the heart of Bev Hills/Rodeo drive area. Because I had stayed there this summer for Umberto, I knew pretty well where I was, took a few turns, and landed back on Wilshire only a few blocks from my hotel. I was so damn happy and proud of myself and generally giddy, that I DROVE RIGHT BY THE DAMN HOTEL.

Okay, now I'm pissed. Pissed turned into frustration when a half hour later I was still in the car driving in circles, only blocks from the hotel, yet completely unable to find it. One more stop at a gas station (again, only two blocks away from where I needed to be) and I finally drove into the hotel parking lot cursing the day I decided to move here. Tracy picked me up and we did dinner, and I drank lots of wine to relax.

So the next day I had my two interviews. I was much less nervous for the interviews than I was about driving to get there. Now, while I had full confidence in my driving skills, I had no confidence at all in my ability to navigate the routes without getting lost. Mapquest said that my first interview was 10 minutes away from the hotel. I left at 11 for an 11:30 interview. I was fine, up until the last part of the directions, when I ended up BACK on the 405 instead of the side street parallel to it. Well, I am intelligent, and have always had a good sense of direction, so I immediately got off, miraculously ended up on the street where I should have been two steps down, and found my interview. Even parallel parked with ease. I walked in the door at 11:30 sharp.

The interview was good. I liked Karen more than I expected, and like the offices MUCH more than I expected, but I expect this opportunity is too small beans for what would be good for me. More on that later.

From there I was to drive downtown, where I had my second interview at 3 PM. I left the first place at 12:30, and even though I was hungry, I figured I better get myself to the next location first, just in case it took the day (and an army) for me to get there. I actually got there with no problems, until I remembered I had to look for the parking garage, and not just the building itself. So that resulted in an extra drive around a short block, but this time the blocks stayed where they were supposed to when I wasn't looking and I found the garage on the next try. By that point, it was just past one, and so I had two hours to kill until Interview 2. So, I went and had a big lunch and a big glass of wine to pass the time and relax. It's kind of ironic how much driving makes me crave alcohol, when you consider that the two really shouldn't mix.

Interview 2 was at the "corporate place", and boy, was it ever. I had known that going in, and was looking forward to it as a way of building my skills and my career. Apprehensive because of my Magnet experience, but optimistic in the sense that I am older and at a different place in my career. I was there for 2 and a half hours, met with five people, and left knowing that no way in hell do I want to work there. First of all, I could tell that they all worked really long hours. Just about everyone I met looked like they hadn't seen the sun in months, most were somewhat to very overweight. They all talked to me in "marketing speak" - about deliverables, and ROI's, and other words I can't even remember. At least two or three of them mentioned the company's billings - which mean nothing to me, especially as it's not like I'm going to see any percentage of that as an account supervisor. I think the interview went well, but I want no part of it. I was fully exhausted by the time I got out of there, and of course, I now had to drive myself back to the airport.

I had realized that the hardest part of this whole trip was not having anyone in the passenger seat to read me the directions - especially at night when the car was dark. I got out fine, and got back on the freeway fine - it was raining and it was rush hour, so traffic was at a crawl, which was totally fine with me. But, I tell you, the freeway exit signs are confusing, and they only give you about a mile's notice before one comes up, so as I approached the airport and it was dark, I started to get nervous that I would miss my exit. I was so tired and so tense, and by this time cursing the whole thing. Sure enough, my exit came up out of nowhere, but by now I was a pro and actually GOT ON IT! So I am cruising to the airport, following the tiny and impossible to read signs for the rent-a-car drop off, and kept cruising, and cruising, and cruising, until I realized that the rental car drop off was somewhere not here. I must have passed it, which didn't surprise me at all being that the signs are small and impossible to read. Turned around, went to another gas station, and found the drop off about four exits up. The rental car sign was half obscured by palm trees. By the time I turned into Avis, I was ready to cancel the whole move and never drive in LA again.

Alas, it was a good experience for me. And the next time I go, I'll have Kris in the passenger seat to read me the directions, at least for a few days. Um, that will be three weeks from right now! I've written so much already today. I can't even go into what needs to be done in preparation, or how loved I feel by my many goodbye parties, or how I am too fat to be seen by new people yet. Another time.

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Sunday, February 20, 2005

One year ago I was shopping at Fred Segal

I just realized something rather monumental: it was this time a year ago that I went to Los Angeles for the FIRST TIME EVER. It was last February, a week before the Oscars, when I somehow scammed my way onto a client trip and into a $475/night room at the Peninsula for three nights, then extended my stay with Tracy into the weekend, sleeping on the pull-out bed in her parent's guest room in the Valley. It all came down a year ago. My mother's life went to crap because of me a year ago.

My diamond client wanted to dress celebs for the Oscars. I went, and had the time of my life. I knew, even then, that I could move there. In the cab from the airport to the hotel, in the dark, I loved it. In five days of rain, I loved it. The first two nights, I stayed in. The second night, I ordered room service, and was so impressed when it came on its own table and silver trays. The third night I went out with Ryan, and he gave me the grand tour of the city - drove me through all parts, from BH90210 to Hollywood Blvd, to Venice Beach, to the bar where we met the rest of his friends.

The next day I had off, so went shopping at the Beverly Center. When I got bored, I started drinking - first at the bar at the Beverly Center, next at the bar at The Peninsula, where I met some fun friends. Then, Tracy picked me up, and we met her friends for dinner and drinks, before heading back to the valley for the night. The next day we went shopping at Fred Segal and a few other places, and then we met Seth out that night for his MC/charity event.

That was one year ago. A year ago and a week and a half later I called my mom drunk and told her I wanted - or needed - to move to LA. It was said, and thought about, and then, ultimately, forgotten, until Summer. I went again for work, re-met with Ted and Carson Daly, and the rest is History. By the time of Hello Kitty, it was hello new City, goodbye NYC. And a month out, I await my new life to begin.


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Friday, February 18, 2005

Four weeks from right now

I will be arriving in Los Angeles with my one-way ticket in one hand and Kristin in the other. Holy crap. The countdown is real. Suddenly, my calendar has shrunk, and all the time I thought I'd have to make plans with friends is vanishing before my eyes. One week turns into the next, and before you know it, I will be gone. My life in New York will be nothing but a memory. Now that is sad.

But, before I get too reflective, I have to get over the excitement of this weekend. I have two interviews in LA on Tuesday, so I am flying out on Monday, renting a car (renting a car!)(which of course means I have to drive it!) (Drive it!?!), staying in a hotel (because I didn't want to ask anyone this time, which means I'm shelling out $130/night), and driving myself to and from these interviews and then back to the airport Tuesday night. I'll take the red-eye and arrive at 5:45 AM Wed morning. I am such a big girl! I'll meet Tracy for dinner on Monday night. Then Tuesday I have one interview at 11:30- the one right by my/Ted's apt- asswipe - and then the next at 3, which is downtown. I don't think, in all the times I have been to LA, that I have ever been downtown. So that should be interesting. What will be interesting will be LORI DRIVING, but what can you do. I used to drive, and I used to like it.

I'll use the plane time to prepare for one interview - the big one. Although I already did a phoner and feel mostly prepared already. The question is, do I want the job? Well, let's not worry about that question yet, until they offer it to me.

Andra and Heather are coming in this weekend. I'm excited to see them, but didn't think about the size of my apartment until it was too late. It gets claustrophobic with one person here, let alone three.

So, I am off work Monday and Tuesday of this week. Then I have next week and that is it! It's so scary that I have been waiting months, MONTHS, to have my last day. All fall, I wanted to move sooner just to get out. And while I still hate it, I somehow can't believe that the end is near, and this too, will soon be nothing but a memory. Six years and eight months of living in New York City - nearly seven years of my short life - a quarter of it, really - gone when I get on that plane. And while part of me is, as always, nostalgic, the larger part is still in the mindset of "good riddance."

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Monday, February 14, 2005


Two scheduled for next Tuesday, the 22nd. Hoping to make it three. Will do a quick (28 hour) trip from Monday PM to Tuesday PM (returning to NYC Wed AM) so will see what I can do within that window. It will be an expensive trip, so I have to think of it in terms of an investment. Almost $500 for the airfare! I will probably get a hotel too - as not to impose on anyone. And then there is rent-a-car. Okay, the one thing I am afraid of - driving. If I can get over that, I can do anything. Another reason for the move.

Also, got the lease today. Haven't signed it yet - just letting it sit here in front of me to tempt me with its closeness. Apparently the lease is my Valentine. Also have my tax returns sitting in front of me. I will get just under $4,000 back this year - so that will cover my trip and also a couple months of rent should I pass on these jobs (which haven't been formally offered yet, of course). Life is good. If only I had a cute boy with whom to share the goodness.

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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Yay - interviews

Some people have no respect for horoscopes, but I gotta say, mine is right on this month.

Yesterday Yahoo astrology (which is accurate more often than not) said that a problem I was having would soon unravel itself and work itself out. Sure enough, last night, Full Picture finally called me, and even though I don't know that the position they have open is right for me, it's a start. Then, today, in between 5:30 and 6, I got THREE (3) calls in a row from THREE (3) different jobs I had applied for in LA. I think the earth must have spun off it's axis for that half hour.

The first was from one company, which wouldn't tell me what the position was or what accounts I would be working on, but wanted me to come in. I asked if we could start with a phoner - she's getting back to me. It was the assistant to the pres and she sounded kind of clueless. All I know is that it is outdoors PR - which could be something cool like surfing or snowboarding, or something scary like fish or wildlife. The next call was the best - GolinHarris. I hade heard they'd had openings, and that recruiter had given me props - and here they were. I did a 20 minute phone convo with the SVP in the consumer marketing group - who I loved and seemed to be really interested in me. They have mainly consumer product accounts, but she would like someone with fashion and beauty experience. She wants me to come out, and gave me some dates. So I am going to see if I can do it the day after President's Day, the 22nd, b/c I know that will also work for that other firm, the small fashion firm. The potential downsides of GH - it seems very large and corporate; also, they are in downtown LA which is kind of far - was hoping to avoid a terrible commute, but I'm not in a position to be picky right now. So now that I have this window, I am going to circle back with Full Picture tomorrow, and see if the 22nd will work for them too. The third and final call was in response to something I applied to off of Monster, and from the VM and EM they sent me, I have no idea what the position is. They want me to dial into a conference call at 9:30 tonight to learn more. Something about independant reps to manage an office, do sales, training and more for a health and wellness company? Sounds kind of cultish to me. I keep saying that I am not going to bother calling, but we'll see how bored I get in 15 minutes.

I re-read my Susan Miller right before the gym tonight, and I quote: "This month, planet earth will be in perfect sync with you, dear Gemini." (Then again, she also tells me how romantic this month is and how great my Valentines day will be - and it is so not. I've had a pit in my stomach ever since finding out about Brendan, and with 5 days and counting til v-day, I have a better chance of slitting my wrists than I do of getting a date. Okay, that's not true. I have a better chance of slitting my wrists than ACCEPTING a date at this late hour and having a romantic Valentines day. I do have plans that night - just the plans are with my girlfriends. Meanwhile, I got a random email today from one of my new LA boyfriends who I met at the Hello Kitty party and stayed in touch with, who was throwing a pre-valentines mixer this Saturday for people to meet and have dates. Obviously I will not be in town yet, but I felt loved. Though I digress.) Susan had plenty to say about career days and long distance travel, so I guess I have to settle for two out of three. Ain't bad. Not like I have a choice in the matter.

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