Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Two months from tomorrow

How scary is that? It really is approaching.

Things are falling into place. I have not heard back from any of the many jobs I have applied for, but I have established a few contacts and made some progress. I completed my first freelance assignment for Arbonne. It was relatively easy to write, although it took me longer than I would have thought. In any case, it's money in my pocket. I should have started looking for freelance work a long time ago - like back when I was at Behrman and made no money! I have been at this freelance thing only about two months and I already got two jobs that have promise for ongoing work. It's funny, because I have been marketing myself non-stop: to my LA contacts, to NYC contacts, to friends everywhere, and when you put in 100%, you see results! This has been a great exercise for me in general, and I have only just begun. It makes me see that you really can make things happen if you try hard enough. Things are happening.

None of the jobs I have applied for online have really been anything I was dying for anyway. None seemed like the right fit, and they probably see that too. Of course, some may just be taking their time going through the resumes, but I think my NYC address puts me at a disadvantage. And I'm not ready to lie about my address yet, b/c with two months still to go, I don't need any prospects thinking I am a liar.

Conference call with Carolyn tomorrow to discuss the Sonia transition. I've known for over a month and a half and it still makes me sick to think about. Oh well.

Mary and Veronika know - I would like to tell Effie the news tomorrow - all of it. Which means it will take about 3.5 seconds for her to IM it to the rest of the office, and my secret will be out in the open. Mary is fine with that. March 4th is a Friday, and the day I plan to work until. Hopefully I can get through the next 7 weeks without incident.

For the record, LA hit 83 degrees today. I walked to work in what the Today show told me was 13. Sweet.

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