Sunday, May 18, 2008

Full of hot air

I just returned from a quick jaunt to San Diego where I visited my friend Laura for the weekend. It was a blast - of hot air. No really. I always say, the hotter the better, but it was in the high 90's yesterday and all humidity - it was like being back in New York in the middle of July. Well, okay, it was much better than that, but trust me, it was hot.

We went to the beach - it was too hot to sit there. We had drinks at an outdoor bar - it was too hot for anything but crushed ice. Finally, the temperature cooled a bit by dinner and we enjoyed a leisurely evening downtown enjoying the more moderate summer breeze. Today we got up, ate breakfast, and spent the day by her parent's pool, which, located on top of a hill and in the direct current of ocean air, was absolute heaven.

A few weeks ago, a bunch of us interviewed Nicole on her blog. In response, she turned the tables and sent us our own list of questions to answer. Mine are below.

1. What is your most disgusting habit?
I judge others too often, too quickly.

2. What is your most embarrassing public bathroom experience?
All of them. I have a very shy bladder.

3. Whose heart did you break the worst?
I have no idea and think it would be presumptuous to guess. They're all married by now anyway and probably thankful I did them the favor.

4. What were the circumstances of your first real kiss?
You can read the long version here. The short version? Picture it: Summer camp, 1989. 13 years old. Chris and I conveniently miss the bus up from the waterfront after the coed barbecue, and have to walk up the long winding hill by ourselves. We hold hands. At the top of the hill I can tell he's getting nervous, so I think we sit down for a while and just talk. The next thing I knew... Then we both went back and blabbed it to all of our friends.

5. Do you feel strongly about the election this year?
Not really. I know who I want to win but I can't muster up the energy to tell you why.

6a. Is there a moment in your life you would like to take back or do over?
Absolutely. A lot of them.
6b. What about it would you change?
I wouldn't have boozed so much beforehand.

7. Is there anyone in your past you wish you could say something to?
See 6a.

8. What blogs do you read regularly and why?
See my sidebar. These are good writers, good friends, and in some cases, both.

9. What television show do you watch and not admit to your friends?
Nothing - my television preferences are nothing to hide. I have a harder time admitting I still don't have TiVo.

10.What celebs are on your list?
I'm single. I don't need a list. Everyone is fair game.

12. Have you ever internet stalked?
The question is, can I ever NOT internet stalk?

13. If you are a blogger, what do you think is the best post you have ever written?
That's tough to answer. These were some of my favorites to write and/or go back and read:
- Rosy Vision of Youth
- Boys who Ride Buses
- Low point
- A picture worth exactly 371 words
- Please don't trip on all the metaphors
- Next stop: Boca
- You could say Seattle's not on my short list
- A Valentine Story
- Sunflowers and Moonbeams



At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard so many good things about San Diego. Sounds fun!

At 9:58 PM, Blogger The Flying Enchilada said...

For someone who is very tv obsessed, I don't have Tivo either.

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Finally! Someone else in this town who doesn't have Tivo! Hooray!

Spending the weekend by the pool? Can I come next time? Please?

(heh, the verification word is "kixas", which I find funny in a totally juvenile way. :) )


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