Friday, February 18, 2005

Four weeks from right now

I will be arriving in Los Angeles with my one-way ticket in one hand and Kristin in the other. Holy crap. The countdown is real. Suddenly, my calendar has shrunk, and all the time I thought I'd have to make plans with friends is vanishing before my eyes. One week turns into the next, and before you know it, I will be gone. My life in New York will be nothing but a memory. Now that is sad.

But, before I get too reflective, I have to get over the excitement of this weekend. I have two interviews in LA on Tuesday, so I am flying out on Monday, renting a car (renting a car!)(which of course means I have to drive it!) (Drive it!?!), staying in a hotel (because I didn't want to ask anyone this time, which means I'm shelling out $130/night), and driving myself to and from these interviews and then back to the airport Tuesday night. I'll take the red-eye and arrive at 5:45 AM Wed morning. I am such a big girl! I'll meet Tracy for dinner on Monday night. Then Tuesday I have one interview at 11:30- the one right by my/Ted's apt- asswipe - and then the next at 3, which is downtown. I don't think, in all the times I have been to LA, that I have ever been downtown. So that should be interesting. What will be interesting will be LORI DRIVING, but what can you do. I used to drive, and I used to like it.

I'll use the plane time to prepare for one interview - the big one. Although I already did a phoner and feel mostly prepared already. The question is, do I want the job? Well, let's not worry about that question yet, until they offer it to me.

Andra and Heather are coming in this weekend. I'm excited to see them, but didn't think about the size of my apartment until it was too late. It gets claustrophobic with one person here, let alone three.

So, I am off work Monday and Tuesday of this week. Then I have next week and that is it! It's so scary that I have been waiting months, MONTHS, to have my last day. All fall, I wanted to move sooner just to get out. And while I still hate it, I somehow can't believe that the end is near, and this too, will soon be nothing but a memory. Six years and eight months of living in New York City - nearly seven years of my short life - a quarter of it, really - gone when I get on that plane. And while part of me is, as always, nostalgic, the larger part is still in the mindset of "good riddance."

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