Friday, March 14, 2008

Just another day in LA

I had a great double-decker celebrity sighting last night: Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman eating dinner at Dolce.

Also at Dolce was owner and Millionaire Matchmaker guest star, Lonnie. As we walked in, I wondered if he'd make an appearance. Literally, as soon as the thought popped in my head, he popped up right in front of me. Turns out he knew two of my friends (no, not like that) and I continued to revel in how small this town really is.

Because before dinner, I met a long-time reader of this blog for a first-time drink downtown. When I asked how he had found me, initially, it turned out he had been Googling another friend of mine. Considering their professions are similar, and that I had gotten an awful lot of traffic from her last year, it shouldn't have surprised me, but it did.

Earlier in the day, I had a business meeting to talk about potentially making soap with a soap star. Do I need to remind you all of my Passions for soap operas? Good (Tina) Lord! I may only have One Life to Live and I have spent half of it in front of the TV rather than out living it with The Young and the Restless. Needless to say, I am super excited.

Because I had such a big day, I wore this dress. I felt all gorgeous and fabulous, even with (or maybe because of) the sausage casings that were my Spanx. Frankly, I am a big fan of the Spanx save for one minor problem: no one ever tells you what trouble it is when you have to go to the bathroom.

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At 12:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's it, I'm over SF. I'm coming back. I wanna fan out on Sarah Silverman as well!

At 4:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awesome, refill my cup with some more of the MacBlogger. This single guy see the path is 99% pure. The sudsy foam of the LA drama cleans up beautifully. You are eyeing te prize sugar.


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