Monday, February 25, 2008

Where is Elliot Stabler when you need him?

The bad news is that it's looking quite possible that I am going to be a juror.

The good news is that the trial isn't slated to last more than a handful of days.

The bad news is that my office doesn't pay for any of those days. Which is kind of odd to me. I am a salaried employer. I could go into the office and do nothing but surf the internet all day, and they would pay me for that. But now I still have to check email and basically do more work from home at night - just not get compensated.

The good news is that, unlike so many of the people I saw today, I can get by with a small dip in my paycheck. Court is depressing. So many unfortunate souls, so many unfortunate stories, so many unfortunate choices in wood paneling.

I've never actually had jury duty before. I was called once, in New York, but I deferred because my job was so busy then. Either they never called me back or I moved before they could, because I never received another summons until this month. I'm in a fairly slow period now, so when it came, I figured I might as well get it out of the way. Truthfully, I'm interested in seeing and participating in the process; in fact, I can't help but feel like I'm getting a free, real-world course on the criminal justice system, with the benefit of not being the criminal! Of course, it's not free, and it depresses me to think someone else is experiencing it the other way.

The first group they called was for an anticipated 90-day trial. (!!!) I held my breath as names were called, silently praying one wouldn't be mine. The Universe listened and instead put me in the next group, but in the tenth juror's chair. They excused two people, have about 25 more alternates lined up, and will make the final decision tomorrow, but I can't think of any reason why I wouldn't make the case.

The good news is that I don't have to be there until 11.

UPDATE!: Apparently jury duty is the new black. It appears Madonna also reported for service today, albeit at a different court. How fun would that have been?!


At 7:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually kind of like jury duty. Granted, I was in law school and my trial was only 2 days, but it was a cool experience.

Funny about the wood true!

At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you were not supposed to discuss jury duty. Specially not on the internets!

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

OY - I just got a jury summons yesterday and I have no excuse obvs. Hopefully they'll see that I'm a bad juror and I'll get excused. Veyismere.

I'm calling you later fyi. Get excited. I miss you!

At 8:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The legal system is fascinating, if it were only like it is on TV with sexy attornies and dramatic out of court relationships.


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