Saturday, March 12, 2005

March Madness

Last night was fun. It reminded me of the nights we used to have a few years ago, when every social gathering was a Syracuse reunion. Who am I kidding? My social life is still like that, minus all the fraternity guys. Why did it ever have to end?

Budabin has taken over Rob's position as party planner, and has been putting together bar specials at Martells for all the SU games. A few years ago, especially when we were in and won the tournament, these nights were out of control. Our friends behind the bar, people we hadn't seen since college or just-out-of-college popping out of the woodwork, craziness ensued. Last night was an older, tamer version of that, but fun nonetheless. Kris and I went not even knowing if we would know anyone. The first person we sw was Erica Green, the second was Doug Campbell. So two for two. Then, as the night wore on, we started making friends, always fun. Talked to Budabin for a bit, who said he was happy to see me without Rob, which I don't understand what that means, but okay. Steph Yaggy showed up. We had fun catching up. I of course invited everyone to my party tonight. That should be interesting.

Today I am going to relax. Get a pedicure, maybe a mani. Go to the gym. Concentrate real hard on losing five pounds by 9 PM tonight.

By the way, 6 DAYS AND COUNTING. This time next week I will be waking up on the west coast. In my new home. Who am I and how did I get here?



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