Thursday, July 05, 2007

Old, but in no way mature

I'm pretty sure that the picture I use as the masthead for this blog was taken on July 4th, most likely in 1980. Every year my town put on an Independence Day Parade, a quaint little ditty that would bring all the local Girl Scouts troupes, firemen, and softball leagues marching down our street. My family would bring our chaise lounges up from the backyard into the front, perch them at the top of the lawn, and enjoy this annual slice of suburban pie.

My town also had a tradition of hosting the fireworks on the night of July 3rd. That way, they reasoned, everyone could stay out late to watch them and not have to get up early for work the next day. A genius idea, really. How has this idea not caught on in the rest of the country? That would solve all of my problems. (Well, today's problems.)

Seriously, though. EVERYONE gets out early on July 3rd, no? We can all appreciate that taste of "school's out" freedom, go home and get excited for a big night? But after a nice full relaxing day off from work, who wants to rouse themselves out of the house at 10 PM just to watch a light show? You know who? Drunk people, that's who. But if you (and by you, I mean me) have been drinking all day long, you really don't need to be out at 10 PM watching this display. Especially when you have to go to work the next day. So I vote that next year, the country unanimously decides to host fireworks on July 3rd and we can all spend July 4th happily nursing our hangovers. Good? Good.

I went down to Hermosa Beach yesterday, which wasn't my idea but seemed like a good a plan as any. I've never been down there before but figured it was likely going to be like my days at the Jersey shore: swarms of fun young things swimming and tanning and drinking and eating until dark, and then until dawn. And it was exactly like that, especially in that everyone down there seemed to be 27, and that was how I old I was when I did my first shore house, and how old I was the last time I thought that was really fun.

We had a good time. It was just a bit much for me. We lay on the beach from 12 until 3, ate lunch on the Pier, then went to a house party from about 4 until 6. Grabbed drinks on the Pier, watched fireworks, and then my friend, who was driving, decided we should hang out for another hour to avoid sitting in traffic. So we went back to the bar, she did not drink, but I did along with our other friends. And while there was never a point that I got "drunk" during the day, I was literally drinking all day. And, appropriately, my body has decided that if I am going to drink for 11 hours, I am damn well going to have a hangover for 11 hours. Because I am 31 and am too freaking old be doing this!

My friend, not coincidentally, happens to date younger guys almost exclusively. She is 31 (and a lawyer!) yet tends to prefer guys between 24 and 26. I, on the other hand, date older guys just as exclusively. I didn't date guys in their 20's when I was IN my 20's; in fact, I could count on one hand the number of 20-something guys I've dated since graduating college. I believe that number is Two. It's not intentional, and I doubt that it's because I'm incredibly mature, it's just what I seem to gravitate towards. Yes, I am blaming Gravity. I certainly blame it for everything else.

Now that the subject is back on boys, I have another Interactive Element to throw out there.

Situation: Guy on Match. Seems okay. Emailed a few times. I gave him my phone number. He called me about an hour later. Left a really long-winded message that had me cringing at his obvious dorkiness. Emailed me immediately after to let me know he had called. Far too eager. Now the ball is in my court, and I have absolutely no interest in speaking to him.

Do I:

A. Ignore him and not call him back. Make up an excuse on email tomorrow and then drop off the face of the earth. (Going away for the weekend, for a life sentence, whatever).

B. Call him back and make my way through polite chit chat and then, after our conversation, drop off the face of the earth.

I'm thinking A, but what do I know?

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At 8:44 AM, Blogger AmyB said...

Well...I'd usually say "Ick, totally ditch this one," but in my old(er) age, I'm starting to realize it's the eager, kind, thoughtful ones that are the good ones.

Not sure if you read Ms. Mysterioso's blog, but she recently got engaged to the man she first wrote about by slightly mocking the "awkward" and dorky" first message he left her. I'm just sayin'... :o)

Good luck!!! Ha!

At 11:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A, definitely A. Eagerness, especially in LA for some reason, is creepy.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Lori said...

My dear Amy's, :)

It's not the eagerness, but the sheer dorkiness of his VM. That, coupled with some other reservations I had initially. Namely that he is 5'9 - and, like younger boys, I'm also not at all attracted to short boys. I'm just not. (And if he puts 5'9, I have to assume he's probably 5'8.) Also, his pictures don't give the best indication of what he looks like. Two are taken from afar, and while the other two are more closely cropped, one is okay and the other is somewhat blurry. Usually, when I go by one or two okay photos and ignore the rest, I am sorely disappointed.

I know that sounds awfully shallow, but if I already think I don't like his personality, I have little else to go by.

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

I don't know... dorkiness comes from nervousness. And I never used to like the shorties until one absolutely threw me for a loop! If nothing else, it's good practice. I say screw it. Let him buy you a drink and THEN never call him again!

Oh and PS? Welcome to the wide world of being "officially an adult". Feh.


At 2:36 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Thanks, Nicole, but I value my time a lot more than a free drink. All I want practice in right now is the art of deciphering online profiles.

At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on all that-- I'd blow him off if it were me. 5'9 in guy speak is 5'7 tops. lol far off pics-- NOT GOOD, etc.

At 10:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lori Lori Lori,

Im REALLLLY starting to worry about you. Maybe I should just stop reading your blog. lol... no, its too funny not to. You still crack me up.

Well, nervousness in a guy is often a sign that he is not comfortable talking to girls. He respects them and doesnt want to offend them and so he is nervous around them. Which also means he is a bit insecure, and that, for a girl, can be a NICE thing! He DOESNT think, hes all that. So, he might just be alittle more attentive to you than the hot guy who thinks every girl in the room wants him. Why is meeting people so hard to do? You meet, say hello, sit down and chat while having some tea or a coffee drink or whatever, be civil humans to each other and see if he, might just become a freind. Who knows, maybe "he" isnt the right guy for you, but one of his friends or his brother is.... You (meaning me) would have thought all those songs at camp would have taught you something. I guess I was just a bad councelor.... or you were just bad campers!

Anyway, think about it like this, how would you feel if someone you tried to reach out to let you down in a way that made you feel like shit? Be nice! If you dont want to meet him, just tell him, but be nice, be firm, but be nice. (LOL...I just feel like such a dad telling you this :))

I would tell you to just go with your gut feelings but after reading about your adventure to the "wrong side" of town, Im not sure thats such a good idea, your intuition need some tweeking. Dont EVER leave your cell phone... it may be your lifeline sometime. Bad girl, bad girl.

Thinking of you.


At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

E-mailing after the voice mail reminds me of a man I used to work with. He'd send me (work-related) e-mail. Then he'd print it and bring it to me. Uhhhh, hello???

Anyway, that was a work-related guy. But I know what you mean by the over-eager / dorkiness factor.

That said, my husband was over-eager before we met. And had/has a dorkiness about him that I fell in love with.

My point? You never know. Maybe meeting for an iced tea would show you another side of him?

Just asking... because of my 'you never know' point.

At 3:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did I answer your profile???? You give out your phone number? Oh wait, I'm 5'9" & 3/4. My bad!

At 2:09 AM, Blogger Karl Hakkarainen said...

No advice on the present problem. You might, however, want to look into some of the temporary telephone number services. That way, you can cancel the temporary phone number and drop off the face of the earth more easily. See for an overview and links to services.

At 1:43 PM, Blogger Ms. M said...

ha ha! I googled my blog name and came up with the comment that AmyD left. It's true, my fiance was pretty dorky at first but he is a smart, interesting, truly cool guy who can't leave a voice mail message worth shit when he's nervous! I am so glad I gave him as many chances as I did (4 dates to be fully into him) because he has the sweetest heart I could ever imagine, and he's perfect for me.

SOmetimes, though, a dorky message leaver is really just a dorky guy who you'd never be interested in... that's a possibility... but I always say- give the nice ones a chance :)

I will read more of your blog to see what happened with this one ;)
you can read mine if you email me at

And when it comes to height... height is something you can get used to easily, an asshole will always be just that. i Have lots of friends who dated 6'3" and over their whole lives and fell in love fast with the 5'7" and unders... because they found the right guy. Just sayin's all!

Nice to meet you!
Good luck!


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