Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Zombie Nation

In four hours and fifteen minutes, my alarm is going to ring, waking me up in time to catch my 7:00 AM flight to New York. Why am I still up? Oh, I don't know. I was too busy at work today to check all my favorite internet sites, so I spent a good amount of time catching up before moving over to iTunes and downloading a number of my favorite club songs from the late 90's. Trance music is now in my apartment and in my head, bringing me back to the days when my biggest concern was where to score ecstasy that weekend. Bed, what's that? Those are ships sailing outside of my apartment!

This isn't the first time this week I've felt high while being, in fact, completely sober. I mentioned on Sunday that my bathroom needed a good cleaning. I went out and bought Clorox Disinfecting Bathroom Cleaner, since I had finished my old bottle of Lysol something or other. When I moved into this apartment, I was told that the bathroom was clean, just old. As such, I've always been a diligent tub scrubber but never worried about the remaining soap scum because, hey, it was supposed to be there, the landlord told me so. But then, Sunday, after one application of the new Clorox, I noticed a new, brighter pattern forming at the bottom of my tub.

I reapplied, re-scrubbed, and saw even more white than the first time. This motivated me. I don't know whether it was the fumes taking over in my small bathroom or the Grande coffee I had ordered that morning, but I became fully focused and obsessed with getting my tub cleaner than I had ever seen it. In two hours I learned the meaning of elbow grease - I applied the Clorox four times and applied a bit of effort every time. And I don't know if I should be embarrassed by or proud about this, but my tub is now cleaner than it has been since I moved in.

Later that day, I went to the gym and ran like I was on speed. Or maybe just Starbucks and ammonia. Whatever it was, I'd like to patent it and press repeat. Although tonight, I think I inadvertantly have.

Will try and write from the big apple.



At 3:00 PM, Blogger Caroline said...

Ha! You had me chuckling through this one. Enjoy NYC. And stop sniffing Clorox. It's bad, mmmkaaaay?

Lola x


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