Thursday, January 11, 2007

Honk if you're embarrassed for me

If there was ever a project tailor-made for me, it's got to be this one.

I have kept journals since I got one for my 8th birthday, and while I don't really write too much anymore (I have a blog, thank you!) they serve as a wonderfully detailed reminder of my awkward teenage years and the horrible boys that comprised them.

I have spent the last three nights re-reading my old diaries, flagging for possible submissions, and tonight started the scanning and sending process in the hopes that this book will help to fulfill my dream of one day being published. Even if I am mortified by what I wrote.

Because the object is to only submit writings that, to this day, still make the author cringe, I honestly can't even bring myself to share with you entire entries. No really, I can't. I am now permanently hunched over and tense with shame, unable to stop cringing at my embarrassingly unsophisticated junior high school self. (And I haven't even scanned in high school yet!) So instead I will just share with you this excerpt, taken from the seventh grade, when I boy I liked didn't want to "go out" with me.

I don't know whats worse - the Groovy Kind of Love reference (we slow-danced to it at a Bat Mitzvah) or his name in puffy paint on my, um, Keds. And toothbrush.

I need to stop now. I have officially shared too much.

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At 10:36 AM, Blogger shayze said...

I think we all have ones like that in our diaries! lol

I will have to go looking through mine again and see what I can find! I can pretty much guarantee that my obsession over a few boys back then would make me cringe today!

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BWAHAHAHA OH man, I'm so going to do this too. And am embarrassed for myself already.

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Hilary said...

Have you been to a Mortified show? They're hysterical.

At 1:06 PM, Blogger C said...

Someone once said that pleasure is pain past. So at least you can take solace in the fact that Phil Collins songs no longer make you want to cry (or if they do, it's probably for a different reason). And just imagine if you had a blog when you were in junior high. Every single puffy Keds comment you ever wrote would forever be immortalized online for the whole world to read.

At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Love this post Lori!


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