Friday, January 05, 2007


I love to brag that I hardly ever get sick, but I think my 10 day tour of the Northeast in which I spent time in 4 airports, 5 residences, one hospital, and among too many children under the age 8 as well as too many adults who consider 8 the perfect amount of Jello shots with which to begin an evening, has suddenly caught up with me.

I woke up yesterday with a sore throat. Today the throat is less sore than scratchy, but my whole head feels like it is under a cloud of said Jello. (Actually, that might be nice right now.) My eyes are heavy and my brain is still on vacation, possibly left somewhere up in Vermont, or maybe just not unpacked yet from the contents of my three suitcases, still strewn hapharzardly through the center of my living room.

I have been drinking EmergenC-laced water all day, as well as tea. It hasn't helped my throat at all, but I have gotten more exercise walking back and forth to the bathroom than I have gotten in the last two weeks. So that's a plus. In a few minutes, I will leave the office, sit in traffic for a good hour or so (if I'm lucky), and then curl up on the couch in sweatpants for a cozy evening of New York magazine and Law and Order. The bar will be serving my feel-better cocktail of choice: Tylenol PM over Ketel One, Tonic, and EmergenC.


At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I am not the only one with the contents of suitcases strewn haphazardly throughout her living room.

Yesterday was the first day I felt like myself again after having that nasty bug that's going around.

Yet still all I can do is sit on the couch, stare at the open suitcases and think, sheesh I should really put that stuff away.


Happy New Year!


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