Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Well, I can't say there aren't any nice Jewish boys left in LA

I had a fun celebrity sighting last night. My friends Julia and John were in from out of town, and I wanted to take them somewhere fun but pretty low key. I decided on Saddle Ranch, the Sunset Strip steak joint best known for it's mechanical bull, basically because it's an LA institution and, until now, I had never been!

We got there pretty early, before 8 PM, so no one was drunkenly riding the bull yet or even considering it. About an hour into our meal, though, the restaurant collectively gasped, and I turned around to see Ron Jeremy. I don't think the restaurant gasped because of his fame, per se; rather, he seemed like a regular there. While there were some frat-looking boys who cheered, I think most of the staff knew him personally. Hopefully not too personally.

He was with another guy and two girls, and as soon as they sat down, the frat boys went over and asked for autographs. Then they took pictures. Then RJ autographed a random girl's breast. And they took more pictures. Of all the celebrities I've seen in LA, this is the first time I've ever seen one being approached for an autograph or pictures. (I use the term "celebrity" loosely here.) Ron Jeremy was great about it all, very gracious and friendly. I am a bit remorseful that I didn't get a picture myself. Although I could probably do without the autograph.



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