Monday, December 18, 2006

Losing it

Every now and again I'll joke that I'm losing my mind, but I'm really beginning to believe it. And if it's not my mind I'm losing, then that's the only thing left in its proper place.

Last week, when I started unpacking my suitcase from Boston, I grabbed my glasses and some other bedroom items to put away. Fast forward 30 minutes, I take out my contacts and realize that my glasses aren't in my nightstand drawer where I keep them. Tired and blind, I quickly gave up searching and went to bed. The following night I checked all my drawers, under the bed, and then remade the bed, thinking they might have gotten tangled in the sheets. The third night I checked the refrigerator, the freezer, the garbage - hand picking through the garbage, thank you - and every available crevice in the bathroom, in case I really had lost my mind and put them away with something else. The fourth night I checked under the bed again, and there they were, in plain sight, resting against the nightstand on the opposite side. I have no idea how or why they were over there.

Friday, I picked up a toothbrush at the supermarket with just a few other items. An hour later, I went to brush my teeth, and the toothbrush was nowhere to be found. I checked the bathroom, the bedroom, the kitchen, the garbage, you name it. Saturday afternoon, while watching TV, I saw it sticking out from behind a picture frame on my console.

Two weeks ago I bought a pack of gum at Target. I haven't seen it since.


At 9:06 PM, Blogger The Flying Enchilada said...

THis post made me laugh. Welcome to the 30's. It's nature's cruel joke on us all.

At 10:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Been there, done that, have the T-shirt, and fixed the problem. What was the answer? Become the "Anal Retentative Son Of A Bitch" I was born to be by becoming ultra-organized, habitualistic, cheapskate. In otherwords, I'm staring in "As Good As I Gets" with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt.

At 6:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(offtopic) loris, can you do yur little complaining about the cold weather magic again? cuz last time you did that we got awesomeness the next couple of days...


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