Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back from Boston

I'm back from Boston and happy to say that it was a great trip.

I didn't get in until nearly 1 AM last night (this morning), so I'm a bit too tired to do a whole recap of the weekend's itinerary. Instead, I'll share the two random celebrity sightings I had at LAX last night, at the American Airlines baggage claim.

1. Jeremy "The Pivert" Piven, of Entourage fame, looking exactly like you would expect him to look. Grayish-black tweedish newsboy cap pulled down, brown leather jacket, ear attached to his phone the whole time. Not sure if he was actually talking to someone.

2. Dee Snider, of 80's metal hair band, Twisted Sister. Let's be honest. The only reason I know who he is is from all of those VH1 specials. But standing over six feet tall with a platinum blond ponytail hanging down to his waist, there was little question in my mind that it was him. He wore tight black jeans, black rocker boots, a trucker hat, and carried a gold briefcase. Imagine those titanium briefcases in which one might keep a pistol, or insured diamond jewelry; you know, if one were James Bond, or Jack Bauer. Picture that, but gold. There was no question.



At 3:02 AM, Blogger Caroline said...

I have a strange attraction towards Mr.Piven that I can't seem to shake.

My celebrity sightings this week were Elijah wood having coffee in my local breakfast nook, as you'd expect, small with huge head and eyes.

And Bob Geldolf on a mission in Marks and Spencers...

Found you through Shayze.

Lola x

At 11:17 PM, Blogger shayze said...

Hey there! Had to make my blog private since co-workers found it. Email at shayze@ureach.com if you want access.


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