Monday, December 05, 2005

They always said I was "special"

At work we have this tradition of taking every new hire out to a company lunch, at which point we ask them to share something about themselves none of us would ever guess. This can be nervewracking for people just joining our team, and to warm them up we'll usually go around the table and share our own unique quirks, which we've all shared at lunches past. This inevitably turns into a game where we all try to remember each other's oddities, i.e. "Tanya was a backup dancer for En Vogue!" etc.

Among my co-workers, we have a hotel operations manager who sneezes when she eats carrots, a product development manager who rinses her toothbrush over 20 times when she brushes, a (male) graphic designer who was a college cheerleader, an accountant who moonlights as an antiques dealer, and so forth. At my lunch back in May, I completely drew a blank, and lamely told the story about how I got public makeovers for both the Today Show and Harper's Bazaar.

Since then, of course, I've thought of much more interesting quirks to share, like that I am a closet soap opera fan or that I am afraid of fish - alive, dead, on a plate with a side of wasabi, whatever. Today, as my boss broke into Christmas carols in the midst of a group envelope stuff, I thought of another: I can sing the entire song "Let there be Peace on Earth" in sign language. I don't know any other sign language but, thanks to my fifth grade teacher Mrs. Lane, I can sing a four-verse song using only my hands. Which, if you've heard my singing voice, is probably best for everyone involved.


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