Thursday, December 01, 2005

Happy Blog Birthday

My baby blog is one year old today! I am so proud!

I am actually kind of proud. When I started this
a year ago simply as "Lori's Blog", I had no idea what to expect. I wasn't writing with any readers in mind, but only for the sheer enjoyment of seeing my thoughts written out - thoughts deemed too trivial to express any other way. At the time I only read two blogs: Dooce and my uncle's Roasterboy. The two couldn't be further apart in content, but they each offered something I wanted a part of: the ability to make people laugh over the banalities of everyday life, and the easy connection with family and friends despite a literal and sometimes, figurative, distance.

For the first nine months of life as a blogger, I experienced little, if any, shortage of topics. Moving across the country is good like that. Now that my life has become fairly normalized again, however, I sometimes struggle to think of blog-worthy items to write about. Not because my audience won't be interested, but because I'm just not. How many nights do you sit down to dinner to find there was nothing about your day worth sharing?

The funny thing, though, is that the blog has become a habit - just like sitting down to dinner every night, I look forward to writing throughout the day with my mind always on the lookout for a tasty topic. When I post twice, I feel guilty, like I'm overindulging, and if I skip a post, I'm anxious, edgy, hungry for the experience.

Despite all the food metaphors, I've come to view my blog as a healthy discipline, mainly as a way of improving my writing - although, for what, exactly, I'm not sure. That I now have a year's worth of memories captured in print is beyond priceless, and beyond my initial expectations. And that I have managed to meet my original two goals for this blog, well, that's just dessert.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for year two!


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