Wednesday, November 30, 2005


While Vaughniston mania continues in my office, it turns out I'm not the only one in the family getting press. My mom and her colleagues at Why Weight Fitness taped a segment today on Snyder's Stoughton, a local cable access show hosted by this guy. It will air Friday night at 7 PM on Comcast Channel 9 in Stoughton. My mom and I watched last week's episode while I was at home, and laughed from start to finish. Unfortunately, it's not meant to be a comedy. But, like we say in the business, all press is good press!

Another item that got press today was this: The Apprentice is filming Season 6 in LA. Hmm.

While LA certainly has its share of savvy, and sometimes ruthless, business people, it's hard to imagine our laid back beach culture as the backdrop for this kind of televised competition. If you've seen the Apprentice even just once, what you probably remember more than the players are the impressive shots of the cityscape - traffic whizzing by, clouds moving at warped speed, phallic buildings imposing on the mean city streets. As with Sex and the City, Manhattan is practically a supporting character, the ubiquitous overachiever who says little but does so much.

If our city were a character, I imagine it would be more like the captain of the high school football team - massively huge, good to look at, fun to party with, but a little slow. In terms of setting the scene for the show, I don't know that there's anything intimidating or "go get em!" about our landscape of palm trees, strip malls, and freeways; people don't even wear business suits to work. I'm predicting some incarnation of Baywatch meets The Boardroom, where all the female contestants look like Pamela Anderson and every task takes place on the beach. In bathing suits for DT's pleasure.

On the other hand, the tasks over the last few seasons have increasingly been centered around the entertainment industry, so the move makes a certain amount of sense. Maybe I'll audition.


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