Friday, May 05, 2006

Tengo sed

Hola! Hoy es el Cinco de Mayo, my favorite holiday.

(Four years of Spanish and I couldn't even write that sentence without looking up how to say "today", let alone finish the thought in anything but English. And I haven't even had a margarita yet.)

I wrote last year that Cinco de Mayo has always been one of my favorite holidays. I mean, you're not expected to spend money on requisite gifts, eat fattening food, or travel to see relatives you hardly know. Plus, most years the weather is pretty darn good. And, really, what's not to like about a holiday that, for all present-day intents and purposes, revolves around drinking? For a religion-confused fence-sitter like myself, Cinco de Mayo is the perfect excuse to reflect on my life and give thanks to whatever higher power might be listening that I am lucky enough to have the trifecta perfecta of fun friends, warm air, and cold beer.

Or, in this year's case, sangria.


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