Sunday, April 16, 2006

Time for a facelift

Do you ever just get in the mood for an extreme makeover?

Like, all of a sudden, every single piece of clothing in your closet is wrong, all wrong, and you need a full wardrobe overhaul, like immediately?

No, me neither. But the pink blog was starting to grate on my nerves. All pink all the time might work for Barbie, but I’m feeling less Barbie these days and more, well, me. And nothing says “Lori” like a display of self-absorption, especially if the display is sunbathing in Tony the Tiger sunglasses.

But seriously, once I learned that you can customize these neat blog things, I became obsessed with wanting to do so. After all, I spend hours writing on this site, sharing my thoughts and experiences through posts so carefully crafted I’m embarrassed to admit how long the writing sometimes takes me. While most of the posts don’t delve much deeper than the surface of my everyday life, it helps me just to have a place to put these thoughts, and know that somebody, somewhere, might be reading them. For better or worse, this blog is a direct reflection of my personality; it seems silly to have something so personal introduce itself to the rest of the world with a generic image plucked from cyberspace.

Of course, I didn’t do this myself. Sarah from Wicked Pixel Media worked her magic with only the picture I sent and some phrases I threw at her before I’d even had a single cup of coffee. Phrases like “retro”, “nostalgia”, and “don’t make it look like One Day at a Time.” I think she did a great job. Don’t you? I mean, this is so much more Charlie’s Angels.


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