Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When did alarm clocks start resetting themselves?

Apparently the power went out for a few hours in LA yesterday. The DWP accidentally cut a wire they shouldn't have, and most of Hollywood, downtown, and the Westside were affected. Pasadena had power the whole time, and I didn't even learn about the "blackout" until that night when I came home. I checked my clocks before I went to bed, and everything seemed to be in order. Or so I thought.

I first woke up at 4:30 this morning, and thought outside seemed to be a little too gray and not enough black. But I dismissed it, then woke up again around 6, and noticed that it was awfully bright for that hour. I again turned over, thinking about daylight savings time and how the days seemed to be shortening awfully quickly. About ten minutes later I woke up again, and suddenly remembered the power outage, which hadn't appeared to affect my alarm clock, but thought I should check again just to put my mind at ease. Sure enough, the wall clock in my living room was just rounding 8 AM - about two hours ahead of my digital alarm clock! (My alarm is set for seven and I am usually out the door by 7:45/7:50).

So I motored. Showered, dressed, and got ready in 25 minutes. Ended up at work only 20 minutes late. No one even noticed.


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