Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tonight's Peru recap is brought to you by Van Halen

(Turn up your sound...)



At 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great recap, it sounds as though you had a fantastic trip.

While the video was loading I was thinking "Hmmm, Van Halen? Hot for Teacher?"

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Tiny E said...

Awesome awesomeness! And I forgot how much I love me some VH.

I must know though - how did you end up doing with the altitude? It's a big fear of mine so places like Peru never make it onto my wish list.

Looks like an amazing trip.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Thanks, guys!

Tiny E, I was fine with the altitude. Neither of us had any problems. There were a few times I was short of breath, but nothing major, and honestly, nothing I would have even noticed if I wasn't looking out for it. And on the last day, I did get a pretty decent headache, as that was the day that we saw a number of Indian villages and spent the day driving up and down the mountains. The last place we saw was 12K feet (higher than Cusco, which is 11K) and I had a headache from then until we sat down at dinner and I had some wine. And, Poof! Just like that, headache gone.


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