Sunday, April 06, 2008

My meme

My, this is meta. Nicole tagged me in my own meme.

1. What prompted you to start blogging?

Honestly, it was a very off-the-cuff decision. I had just become aware of blogs through Dooce and my uncle, but I hadn't given great thought to starting one. I was playing around online one night, got curious, and quickly created my own. You can read a little bit about the lack of my thought process here.

2. Have you ever been the victim of a crime?

Nothing major, but I was pick-pocketed in London and had my wallet stolen from work once.

London: It was my second night abroad as part of a five week trip through Europe, and I made a conscious effort not to hang my purse strap over my shoulder, but drape it across my body so no one could grab it and run off. I hadn't considered turning the purse over so the flap faced my hip, and not the drunken, singing quartet jostling me on the subway. Fortunately they only got a night's worth of cash and my credit card, which I canceled. My passport and remaining money was safe in my hotel room.

Work: At my first PR job, we had bike messengers coming up to our office at least 10-20 times per day. My office was up front, and I must have left my purse in plain view of the reception desk, because when I came back from the ladies room, I had noticed my wallet missing. I reported it to the building, and only hours later they had found it in the trash can outside, cash and credit cards missing, but my drivers license intact. I had no money to get home, so I called my roommate Kristin to come pick me up in a cab. It didn't occur to either one of us, until we were both riding uptown, that she didn't have to come all the way downtown for me - she could have just met me outside the apartment and paid the fare.

3. Have you ever witnessed someone else being the victim of a crime?

Thankfully, no, although I did have a dream last night that someone boiled a cat alive. That was pretty horrible.

4. What is your favorite color? Why?

Black, for my wardrobe. It looks good on me and goes with everything. Orange and pink together. They are warm, fun colors that look good on me and around me. Maybe you've noticed this blog?

5. What talent or skill would you most like to have, that you feel you don't have?

I have always wished I could sing. Anyone who has ever heard me sing has always wished I wouldn't.

6. If you could go back and do one thing over in your life, what would it be? Would you make a change, or do everything exactly the same?

I would go back and relive college. Again. Exactly the same way.

7. What do you consider your most attractive asset? (Hair, legs, smile, etc.)

My smile, my legs, and my eyes are all pretty attractive if I do say so myself. My ego is not so bad, either.

8. When do you feel the most vulnerable?

When I'm at the gynecologist.

9. If you were a rap star, what would your stage name be?

Lori Lovebuckets. MacB TLC. MacBlizzle.

I don't even like rap. I copied this question from the Mediabistro bulletin board.

10. What is your favorite curse word?


Use it in a sentence and tag five other bloggers you'd like to answer the same questions:

Trying to figure out who hasn't been tagged yet has turned this meme into a clusterfuck: Huphtur, Geekhiker, Keith, AmyBow, and Tiny E.


At 12:29 AM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

Clusterfuck is an awesome word. Kudos!

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Tiny E said...

Excellent. My first meme.

There's a virgin joke in there somewhere but it can't be good.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Tiny E, that's really timely for you to say that. I am working on another writing project and just used the phrase "taking his blog virginity."

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm... I've never actually done a meme on the blog; they just haven't held that much interest for me. But the questions are are good, and I might just take you up on it...


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