Sunday, March 30, 2008

300,000 more reasons I'm glad I left New York

My father called me tonight to gleefully share a tidbit he'd read in the Boston Globe: apparently there are almost 90,000 more single men than single women in Los Angeles.

While I suppose that's good news and all, I have to wonder if the Globe took into account how many of them are actually straight. I'm pretty sure at least 15,000 are off my market in West Hollywood. That would certainly help explain why my gay guy friends seem to find new dates every week, while months will go by before I can find someone worth blogging about.

Of course, I have been dating someone, although I tend to be shy about broadcasting it. After all, he reads this blog, and though he says it's not weird, I have to wonder how non-bloggers in general feel about seeing their name, their actions, in print. On teh Interwebs. And because I am an insecure, immature, romantically-challenged retard, I can't help but worry that these public posts, at some point, will freak him out.

And then there will only be 89,458 guys left for me to scare off.


At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the census bureau in LA County there are 469,409 single men from 32 to 37, 23.1% are college graduates,
15.15% have non-family household (no children or wives) and have an average income of $46,055. (2000)

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when that news story came out about how the single women were all back east, and the single men were all out here. Depressed the crap outta me.

Look at it this way: if he did freak out (and I can't see how he would, despite your unfounded self-criticism), you'd have 89,458 more chances. I'm currently single, and I've got 89,458 competitors. Odds are definitely in your camp's favor...

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Tiny E said...

Crap. Do I have to move out to California now?

At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the boy! Totally get the not-jinxing thing :)

At 11:08 AM, Blogger Green said...

I *am* a blogger, and evenI got a weird feeling the first time someone wrote a post about me. I felt exposed and all sorts of weird, even though I do it to other people.

Good luck with the man.

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

God I hope that figure counts in the straight men...

At 4:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the guy can't handle it he's probably a loser and you're better off without him... unless he's like great in bed or a really good cook or something.


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