Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Pet Peeve

People who respond to evites under Maybe saying they have to "check with my other half."

I get that people are in couples now, I do. I'm not being bitter. I'm all for plus-1's and the "we have to see what our plans our" comments - I understand that you have to take your favorite person in the world or your baby daddy into consideration most of the time. However.

If you really consider yourself half a person and announce that you can't make a decision without the consent of another person who must only have half a brain, then I say, stay the f#@% home.


At 3:43 PM, Blogger The Flying Enchilada said...

Yeah I agree. Why does anyone have to post that on the evite anyway. Why not just wait until you know for sure one way or another. To me it sounds like someone is giving themselves a way out in case something better comes along.

At 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*music plays* "I you like Pina Colada..." Nope, don't even have half a brain anymore.

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

Yup. Still funny.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger AmyB said...

People do that?? I at least have the decency to ignore the invite until I have my definite answer! Haha! Really, though, I usually just say "yes" for myself, and add a +1 if my man is able to make it (if I even invite him - I'm a nice girlfriend and let him off the hook quite a bit).

I hope I never forget what it's like to be single. Those "We-we-we, all the way home" people are annoying. ;o)


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