Sunday, May 20, 2007

What TiVo gets me: Annoyed

I've had a TiVo box in my living room for the past two months, positioned nicely on my console under the TV and alongside the DVD player.

"Just plug it in!" my friends encouraged me. "That's all it takes!" they swore. One had kindly given me her TiVo box when she moved apartments and upgraded to her new cable company's DVR service. They couldn't understand how I had functioned for so long without it; no one can, really, which is something I kind of get but honestly don't miss. I really don't watch that much TV. "But you would," they assured, "if you can forward through commercials and watch what you want, when you want."

I guess, I thought, but should I really be aiming to watch more TV? Probably not, but I've started to think that maybe I'm spending too much time online these days, and getting lost in a series of bad programming might relax me. And really, I've just gotten tired of having to explain myself to people who don't understand why I don't have TiVo. You'd think I was telling them I don't own a television. Or shower.

So in the interest of peer pressure, I came home tonight, plugged the damn thing in, logged online to set up an account, and found myself staring at pages of set-up instructions that promptly told me what no one else had mentioned: I needed a home phone line to install it. I'm calling to cancel the service tomorrow.

Maybe by September I will get around looking into DVR. In the meantime, I happily skipped current episodes of Desperate Housewives and Brothers and Sisters to read Apprentice updates on Tim's blog. Which, in my eyes, was time better spent.



At 11:35 PM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

you don't need a home phone line because you can set it up wirelessly. of course - that means you have to be able to connect to the web wirelessly - so if you can, I'll walk you through how to be tivo fabulous.


At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's the same reason I didn't get a Tivo as well. Land line pfft, who still has that? I went with DVR option that came with my cable provider. It replaces yur normal cable box, and works right away.

I watch LESS TV now. I go to bed early (been workin out in the mornings) so I record a lot of shows, which I watch on the weekends. This has stopped me from just hanging in front of the TV and zapping until I find something interesting. I'm a selective viewer.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Keith said...

The newer versions are broadband-ready right out of the box. It depends on how long that box has been sitting there... but I got a new TiVo last November, and the one I bought was already able to hook into my wireless network when I took it out of the box.

At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go with the DVR from cable co. they set it up for you. LOL If I had to set up myself, I'd be DVR less. And I don't watch any MORE tv than I ever did, but it is nice not to ever have to miss the few shows I do love.

Yeah, rebuild a computer I can do. Hook up a VCR? Hell no. lol


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