Sunday, May 13, 2007

Missing Mom

This is the second year in a row my mom has gone on vacation over Mother's Day weekend. Perhaps I am being too sensitive, but I think she does it so she doesn't have to think about the fact that I can't be with her. Which is completely understandable, but it works both ways. I want to avoid doing anything today that brings me in front of happy mothers and daughters because it sucks that I can't be one of them.

For someone as social as me, I require an unusually large amount of alone time. Maybe because I am an only child and grew up happily entertaining myself, but there are times when I just crave the solitude. Traveling to New York and having to be "on" all last week for work really took a lot of out of me. In response, I have made this weekend All About Me (AAM), exercising and cleaning, reading fashion magazines and watching romantic comedies. It has been completely rejuvenating, but now, on Sunday, I think I am ready for a little interaction again.

Problem is, I'm not sure what to do. It's nice out today and I was thinking of going to the beach or for a hike in the hills; however, I treated myself to a facial with microdermabrasion yesterday, and now I am not supposed to get any sun for three days. Also, I haven't called any of my friends to let them know I am back, and I feel a bit sheepish now, like, Hi, I got back three days ago, want to hang out? And besides, I know that everyone is with their moms today, which brings me back to my first issue.

I constantly say that moving across the country was the best thing I ever did. I just sometimes wish I could have moved all of my friends and family with me.


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