Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Catching up is hard to do

I don't know if it's because I am about to turn 31 that I am suddenly uber aware of my age, but I have noticed lately that my mind and body are much more sensitive to alcohol than they were just a year ago.

After my relaxing weekend by which, on Monday, I felt thoroughly detoxed and rejuvenated, I spent the last two nights out on the town. Actually "on the town" is overstating it. Monday I had two glasses of wine at a friend's house, and last night I met another friend for dinner and drinks, but it wasn't a late night by any means. Both mornings that followed, I have woken up feeling not hungover, but different, and my days have been sluggish and less than productive. A year ago, two glasses of wine was a nightly ritual; these days I just feel the effects so much more, it's enough to make me want to cut back considerably.

I'm about to embark on my third night out in a row; and while I know I will have a glass of wine with dinner, I'm legitimately not looking forward to it.


At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mentioned the same thing to my mom recently and she said as we get older our bodies can't handle liquor as well. This is a good and a bad thing at the same time IMO.

At 8:30 AM, Blogger AmyB said...

If you ask me, you're just out of practice. ;o)

When is your birthday?

At 8:54 AM, Blogger AmyBow said...

You have a lot of friends and commenters named Amy. Coincidence?

Regardless, maybe getting a buzz with less alcohol is an evolutionary thing. Supposedly as you get older you have lots of other things to spend/waste $$ on...maybe forgoing a few drinks will save your head and expand your closet. (Any excuse to buy shoes!)


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