Monday, March 02, 2009

In like a lamb

So, I'm kind of disappointed that I didn't meet my 40-mile cardio goal in February. I could make the excuse that, with only 28 days, it was a short month, but I didn't even start my January goal until the 5th, and I still managed to run 38. Oh well. Clearly 40 is a lofty goal, then, and one I will continue to aim for in March. Of course, I didn't exercise all weekend and I'm planning on going to yoga tonight, so cardio is going to have to wait one more day.

By not exercising all weekend, I only mean that I didn't hit the gym. But I did more than a fair amount of walking, giving an old college friend a tour of the city, and of course, dancing, on Saturday night. My party shoes may be orthopedic but they still fit. Kind of. In a really uncomfortable, pinching type of way.

Yesterday turned out to be an absolutely GORGEOUS day, high 70's, with a strong afternoon sun. My friends and I headed down to Santa Monica, where we walked along the beach and the promenade, had a late lunch, and then headed down to Venice to the Whaler. We arrived around 5:30, just in time to catch the sunset.

The northeast doesn't need to get blanketed under an obscene amount of snow to remind me why I live here. Although it certainly helps.

Edited to add: And also? There is a line in the movie Clueless where Cher claims that mirrors lie which is why she always takes Polaroids. I never quite got that until seeing this picture, and a few from the party last weekend, and so I am publicly stating that I am never wearing those khaki capris or this dress again. I swear, I don't think I look dowdy when I leave the house, but neither are doing me any favors.



At 8:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cher Horowitz also has a computer to pick out her clothes and is so picky she can hardly pick out her shoes, let alone a guy to date. Since Cher was a virigin who can't drive and a character and you are a living, breathing, human being who we love, we will gladly overlook the fashion choices that aren't perfect. Especially when its because you say so andwe otherwise wouldn't notice. Good to know that it 's still possible to rage like the good old days.

At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One thing I do like about the storms, I can manage to get some fantastic sunset shots out of 'em...


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