Thursday, March 01, 2007

Next stop: Wonderland*

I didn't go to the gym after work tonight, and found myself driving home in daylight for the first time in quite a while. YAY, spring time!

I didn't go to the gym after work because it seems that my week-long bender has finally caught up with me. It's funny: a few weeks ago, after I got back from my umpteenth New York trip and was feeling a little less gymmy and a little more belly, I really cleaned up my act. No more drinking on school nights, no caffeine after lunch, waking up an hour early to fit in a morning workout - I started feeling really good. Even Vegas, the disaster that it was, hardly detracted from my detox diet.

But then I just had one of those weeks where there were a million things going on and not enough nights to fit them all in; at least not without sacrificing something like a good sleep or size 4. Not that I am complaining, mind you, I am just Tired.

The drinking started last Thursday during Grey's Anatomy, because, let's face it, that show is better with a buzz. Thursday hasn't technically been a school night since college, anyway, so what's a few glasses between me and the interns at Seattle Grace? Friday night I went over Mia's, where we had another bottle of wine and got sucked into a series of so-bad-they're-my-absolute-favorite movies: Say Anything and then Dazed and Confused. Ask me if I've seen more than two movies that were nominated for Oscars this week, and the answer is no. But can I recite, by heart, the dialogue from every teen movie made between 1982 and 1999? Pretty much.

Saturday night was my friend Ryan's birthday party. Held at a low key German bar in Silver Lake where even the bartenders wore leiderhosen, it was old-fashioned fun with the Syracuse boys I have come to feel I've grown up with. Sunday night I had friends over for the Oscars, where we went through even more wine and possibly some vodka cocktails. Monday night I continued my quest to meet every blogger on my blogroll and grabbed drinks with Keith. (Not to be confused with Keith my ex-boyfriend, Keith my substitute trainer, or Keith, my gym's training manager. Were everyone's parents that stoned in the 70's that they couldn't come up with more original names?) Tuesday I took a break, shared my eyebrow enlightenment with you all, and went to bed at 9:30. Finally, last night, I went over my other friend Miya's (different spelling, same pronunciation) to catch up and we drank yet another bottle-plus of wine before I finally called it quits.

And now it's back to Thursday, where I am preparing for a night of Grey's, alcohol-free. I mean, if Lindsay can do it... um, never mind.




At 9:46 PM, Blogger shayze said...

I'd say you're still a very safe distance from rehab! :)

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL I've been in near total detox since the wine house night. lol Had wine last night w Jimi and woke up hung over from 3 glasses over 5 hours. Wine tomorrow wiht SM. Will it keep me from or push me to Showdown 2007? LOL

Saturday I start reaquainting myself with my gym. Carib trip is sneaking up and i AM NOT bikini ready. lol

At 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That's wada'am talkin' 'bout". "Did you know that Ford was on the warrant commission?" "Did you get it bad when you were a freshmen?" "It'd be cool if you showed up, let'em' know it doesn't bother ya."

At 3:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

only 2 glasses for me. :) I was good. Um,. well.

And why can't i sleep? grrr.


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