Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Adventures in Blogging

So, you may have heard that I went to the Mediabistro blogging party last night with Hilary and Nicole. They've done a great job summing up, so I don't have much to add other than that it was a really fun night. And that I need to stop going out on weeknights if I ever want to wear a bathing suit this summer.

I met a lot of nice people and even some "famous" LA bloggers. Although it turns out that Hilary is pretty famous herself and I tried to soak up some of the glow of her celebrity, or at least I did until she pointed out that the glow was actually just a reflection off my beer bottle. Score!

And just when I thought that this blogging thing couldn't get much better, I came into work this morning to see a new comment on my mopping post, below. AmyBow, it turns out, was one of my close camp friends from childhood, and even before I knew the comment was from her, I knew, just by the tone, that it had to be someone from Birchmont. I followed the link to her email address and sure enough, I recognized the name as her own. We spent the morning catching up and reminiscing, and she reminded me that 20 years have passed since we initially met. Twenty years. How did we get so old?

Regardless, this is just another example of all the good blogging has brought me since I started this modest thing just over two years ago. Last night, as I met other bloggers, a popular question was, "What is your blog about?" My answer, in short, was, "Me." And while it is about me and my experiences and my viewpoint as an east coast transplant in La La Land, the bigger picture is that this blog is about so much more. It has served as an introduction to new people, a reconnection with old friends, an outlet for whatever creativity hasn't already been sucked dry. The blog has grown so much in the past year alone, I kind of feel like maybe I should declare it a dependant on my taxes. In all seriousness, though, blogging has become such a big part of who I am that I am no longer shy about it, and even find myself referring to Lori MacBlogger as if she were a real person.

A real person who undoubtably looks fabulous in a bathing suit.

(I won't "out" Amy, but feel free to guess where I am in this picture. Click to enlarge.)



At 10:00 PM, Blogger shayze said...

My guess is 2nd row from the bottom, 3rd from the right. If I'm wrong, I'll be stunned! :)

At 6:36 AM, Blogger AmyBow said...

First, I am happy to see that the huge Long Island-hair of our counselors detracts attention from our 10 and 11 year-old awkwardness. How did I have so much hair? And how did the 4-weeker chicks from Arethusa end up dead center?!

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Hilary said...

Famous? Not quite. Flattered? You bet. It was a fun night though, and I'm so glad blogging has been a good experience for you!

And that is so cool that your camp friend found you!

At 11:12 AM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

Whatever. Hilary is TOTALLY a blog celeb complete with new BFF's and everything. I had a great time with you and feel the same way about the blog. It just became something bigger than we expected but look what we get out of it? Old friends, new friends - all good stuff.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Interesting guess, Shayze, but no, that's not me. :) Anyone else?

At 7:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pixel 185,195

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My guess is bottom row, second from the left..

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Thanks for playing! Second row, smack in the middle (sixth in from both the right and left.)


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