Saturday, March 03, 2007

Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

From the time I was 11 up until I was 17, I spent every summer at sleepaway camp. Every morning after breakfast, we'd have cabin cleanup, where each camper would be responsible for one chore per day, determined by a spin on the job wheel. Some chores were easier than others, but I remember that, hands down, the worst chore was mopping the bathroom floor.

It was the worst chore because, first of all, you likely had around 10 campers and four counselors who used the bathroom daily. Aside from showering and just going to the bathroom, that also meant 14 pairs of feet that brought in gunk from the outside, whether it was mud from one of the many playing fields or just the dust that always seemed a permanent fixture on the wooden cabin floors.

The other reason why mopping was so bad was because you had to wait for everyone else to finish their chores before you could even begin. So while the rest of the cabin cleans up and gets ready for the day, you just have to sit and watch while they keep bringing their dirt in, making seemingly even more work for you. Finally, once the sink person and the toilet person and the bathroom sweeper person are finished, only then can you go in and get to work. And by that point the whole cabin is running late for archery and they all yell at you to hurry it up already.

Nevertheless, I spent five summers mopping the bathroom floor, once every week or so depending on how many girls were in my bunk. Only when I became a counselor did I get relieved from cabin cleanup, and, like many other things I learned as an adolescent (basic Algebra, for example) my knowledge of mopping was lost almost as quickly as it was learned.

Now, over the years, I have had many a bathroom and kitchen floor that have required mopping. I am literally going to "come clean" now, and tell you that all this time, I simply have been faking it. In NYC, most of the surface areas were small enough as to not need a mop - a single sponge and elbow grease were enough to take care of any visible dirt accumulation. And because I tended to move every two years, well, let's just say I was more than happy to make that someone else's problem.

But my kitchen here is huge. HUGE. And I actually like the tile, a 1950's black and white check that adds some kitschy character I never had in New York. However every time I have gone to clean it I have felt like one big failure, because I have no idea what on earth I am doing.

For the first time in my life I actually own a bucket made for this purpose. I've filled it with water, many times, dipped the mop in, and then proceeded to move the water around the floor with said mop. I rinse the mop out in the sink, dip it back in, rinse and repeat until my arms fall off and the floor looks moderately cleaner. But, is this mopping?

Unlike the old Murphy's Oil commercials where the woman is practically dancing as she glides her mop across the floor, I find myself constantly in my own way, smacking myself in the face with the wet sponge (I know, gross, I was not meant for menial labor, thank you) or bruising my arms and legs as I twirl the handle, baton-like, from the sink to the floor.

Today I decided I was going to go back to the sponge and Clorox method. After five minutes scrubbing on my hands and knees, however, I started feeling like Private Benjamin with her toothbrush and fished the mop out of the closet to finish the job. And while the floor definitely looks cleaner, I can't help but feel that I have just moved the dirt somewhere else.

So, I ask you people, what am I doing wrong here? Can you give me some tips? Or the number for a cleaning lady?

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At 10:56 AM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

I have to tell you, all I was thinking while reading this was CLEANING LADY! CLEANING LADY! Me and domestication are NOT friends so I'll get you numbers on the west side.

You shouldn't have to be Private Benjamin girlfriend.

At 12:19 PM, Blogger shayze said...

I too vote cleaning lady. Not that I have one yet myself, but I desperately need to get myself one!

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Due to inconsistant work and outstanding debt I make a point of doing it myself. My father however, has a cleaning service and it is murder paying them. Murder because for them to do a thorough job it would take 8 hours every week when they spend one. The difference is that he has a house with 2000 square feet and your apartment probably isn't as big. As for Private Benjamin, I resemble that remark! Hun, I'd come to LA to clean your kitchen for the satisfaction of seeing you smile at me after I was done being on my hands and knees for you! :-)

At 5:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

growing up, i always seemed to get stuck with the household chose of cleaning the bathroom.

i hated it. still do to this day.

i need a cleaning lady # too and i am oh so guilty of the wad of paper towels or wet sponge spot cleaning. HAHAHHAA

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Fun Joel said...

I don't have a cleaning lady, per se, but all the cleaning services that have coupons in those mailers you get every month in the mail are good and reasonable prices. Cleaning lady is DEFINITELY the way to go!

So nice to meet you tonight. Hope to see you again soon!

At 6:35 AM, Blogger AmyBow said...

Actually, you are wrong - the worst job at camp was cleaning the bathroom sinks. You had to wait for everyone, including the bathroom floor mopping person, and tiptoe across the wet (and still dirty) bathroom floor in your socks to clean out the sink. Mind you, the sink was filled with all sorts of slop - most of which was from the chick that had just attempted to clean the bathroom floor.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Unfortunately, I've got you and Amybow beat. I was given the job of picking up toilet paper that the other campers left out in the woods after they went to the "bathroom" outside during one of our camping trips. I still feel sick just thinking about it!!! When I told my dad, he literally threatened to sue.

As for the cleaning situation, here's my solution: lay towels all over the floor. That way, you'll never have to use a mop again! lol.

At 7:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there! friend of nicole here and had to tell you i laughed out loud at the image of you smacking yourself in the face with a sponge. it's like a commercial for swiffer. speaking of...throw your mop away. sweeping, then swiffering, then swiffer wetting seems to work best since it seems to not just move dirt around. and you can spot clean the stubborn stuff. however, if i could afford it right now...i'd be cleaning crew ALL the way!!

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Yay! New commenters! Welcome everbody! Fun Joel, it was fun meeting you as well. Meeks, someone else mentioned the Wet Swiffers to me too. I didn't even know that they existed but I am going to look for them the next time I go to Target. Because, Jill, while towels may work in the bathroom, I think they might be kind of weird in my kitchen. Although it's not like I cook in there anyway, so who knows...

Amy, you are absolutely right about the sinks. I guess I forgot about that, but yes, obviously whenever I clean I do the sinks last. I must have blocked that part out of my memory. Jill, I'm surprised you haven't a permanent memory block on camp given your cleaning experience! Ugh!

Thanks everyone else for the tips and support. Mopping Anonymous, anyone?

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy! Stopped by your page from Jill's and couldn't help but CRACK up at this post. My landlord decided that WHITE flooring would be best in my bathroom and kitchen, so it looks dirty 10 minutes after I've cleaned it. Here's what I've found works best:

1. Sweep or vacuum. This is the only way I really feel like I'm REMOVING the shit off my floors.
2. Wet Swiffer to get any dirt residue/scuffs.
3. Seal with a coat of Mop N Glo. It not only makes your floors super shiny, but it creates a barrier that makes them WAY easier to clean the next time.
4. Curse having to do any of this and pray to the maid gods that they will send one of their angels down to do it for me.


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