Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Feeling like one slender pig

When my mom was here last week, we did a lot of food shopping. My mom and I are very healthy eaters, both conscious of our weight and the foods we put in our mouths. It's a true treat when my mom cooks for me, because aside from having a homecooked meal, I always know that it will be lowfat (and tasty!) as well.

At the supermarket, my mother went out of her way to look for her new favorite frozen dessert, Slim-a-Bears, a lowfat version of the Klondike Bar. I had never heard of them, but I figured they must be akin to my personal favorite, the Skinny Cows, and happily loaded them in the cart. We each had one that night after dinner, and while I quickly gobbled it up, I detected more than a faint hint of aspartame and decided it wasn't any better than the Nabisco 100 Calorie snack packs I usually have for dessert. It was the only one I bothered to eat. Until tonight.

After turning the heat up to 70 in my apartment, which promptly turned the temperature of the place up to near 80, I had a sudden craving for ice cream. I remembered the Slim-a-Bears in the freezer and went to have a look. And that's when I looked at the package. One bar has 170 calories and 9 grams of fat.

Um, what?

NINE (9!) GRAMS of FAT?! In a "SLIM-a-bear"?! That's kind of misleading, no? I mean, I have no problem ingesting 9 grams of fat - or more! - for a dessert, if I know full and well what I'm getting into. Cheesecake, cupcakes, Toll-House cookies, bring em on! But if I'm buying a diet food, I might actually want one that adheres to my diet, no? My dinner, a Lean Cuisine, had half that many grams of fat. And mind you, it's not like I've never eaten half a jar of peanut butter and called that dinner, but at least I know what nonsense I am ingesting at that point.

Of course I ate it anyway. I had to - I was craving ice cream by then and well, I wanted to take another taste and see if I'd like it any better than the first time, now that my brain wasn't thinking of it as a diet food. And in my opinion? Not worth the 9 grams.

Skinny Cows, by the way, average 2 grams and 140 calories per sandwich. And they are genuinely delicious.


At 10:39 PM, Blogger shayze said...

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At 10:41 PM, Blogger shayze said...

Sorry, the URL I put in didn't work.

I love these!

(You may have to copy and paste it)

Don't know if you have these in CA but they are great. Only 70 calories and .5g fat for TWO bars. They are perfect for quelling my cold, sweet, chocolately cravings!

At 6:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever had a Tofutti Cutie?

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Wow - thanks, guys, for the suggestions. I've never had either the Blue Bunny or the Tofutti Cuties, but I think I'll make it my mission to try them now! And, Keith, I too have been guilty of eating two Skinny Cows in one sitting! But I never feel guilty because the fat/calorie content is practically negligable.

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Hilary said...

I love the Skinny Cows too. Also, the toffee chocolate crunch Weight Watchers things are sooo good.


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