Thursday, August 03, 2006

Hot town, summer in the city

In case you haven't heard, there is a heat wave in New York. Yesterday hit in the high 90's but the heat index made it feel more like in the 100's. I stay at the hotel directly across the street from the spa, and both have air conditioning, but even the 60 second walk across the street is unbearable; I can't imagine having a real commute like most of the people who live here.

I've stayed at this hotel so often that I am officially a VIP; it said so on my profile. The only benefit I've really seen from that, though, is two trips in a row now I have finally gotten a room with a closet. I'm just glad I haven't seen any mice yet. But it's only day three, so I shouldn't be that excited.

Other than the heat, the trip has been good. The last two days were super busy, but today was much more low key and I even got to go to the gym. No matter how busy we are during the day, however, we always seem to find the energy to go out at night and party it up like we've just turned 21. And every morning I wake up and say to myself, this is exactly why I had to leave New York.



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