Sunday, July 23, 2006

Goodbye Summer

Well! Now that was a long trip!

It was also the longest I think I have ever gone without blogging. I was aware of the break but couldn't think of anything I really wanted to blog about. I could have told you about the stifling, record-breaking heat in New York, but I've done that already, and I hear that LA had much of the same weather we did. Judging by the temperature in my apartment right now, I believe it. I could have written about work politics and personalities that made this trip a bit more challenging than the last, but that probably wouldn't be very smart. I could have also expressed my frustration at a number of things in my everyday environment, but there was enough negative energy floating around; I didn't see the need to generate any more.

I guess that's why they call it work, though. I wasn't there to have fun, although I certainly managed to fit that in, too. That must explain why I'm so exhausted.

I had a brief opportunity to go to Park City, Utah next weekend, but my plans changed, and frankly, I'm kind of relieved. As much as I would love to go, I am leaving that following Tuesday for yet another marathon trip to the east coast. I leave on the 1st of August for NYC, for more spa-related work, then will spend the weekend in Boston visiting my Mom. I'll head back to the city on Sunday or Monday to start yet another work-week, and stay in the city that next weekend for a friend's birthday. If New York hasn't completely chewed me up and spit me out by that point, I would like to maybe start thinking about planning some sort of summer vacation for myself.

Like, before it gets to be October.



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