Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mercury rules

Even if you're not into astrology you've probably heard of the term "Mercury in retrograde." Susan Miller offers a great explanation here, but in short, when Mercury goes in reverse, anything related to travel, communication or technology falls apart, and we tend to have run-ins and reconnect with people from our past. As a Gemini who is ruled by Mercury, I am particularly succeptible to the effects, and believe me, it can suck. Remind me to share my Steven Cojocaru story at another time. Like when I'm drunk, because it's much funnier then.

Anyhoo, Mercury has been in retrograde since March 2nd, and my month has been a textbook case of having my past come back (or forward?) to visit. Two weeks ago I got a call from an old client who would be in town and wanted to get drinks and catch up. Then last week I got an email from another old client playfully requesting I come back to New York to work on her account. I'm assuming that because communications are so jarbled this month, Mercury is to blame for my not having heard back from either of them after I enthusiastically said, "okay!" At least that's what I'm telling myself.

The nail in the coffin, though, or the cherry on top (I'm running short on cliches today - blame Mercury) was the call I got last night from an ex-boyfriend. (No, not the news reporter. That would have been REALLY weird.) He had met a friend of mine, and - even though we haven't spoken since the breakup - called out of the blue like we were old friends. And now, strangely, I feel like we are.

Then again, when Mercury is in retrograde, faulty judgement is par for the course.


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