Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Today's Buzz

I got a nice shout out on LA Observed today, and, as a result, had more traffic in one day than I normally exerience in an average week. Okay, let's be honest - an average month. Now, of course, I feel pressured to write something fabulously witty and "only in LA"-ish; but, wouldn't you know it? I got nothing.

So let's talk about Katie Couric instead. You know, because she's so LA. (I'm kidding. That's me being a sarcastic New Yorker. Get it?)

While Katie's resignation and move to CBS was no surprise (at least not to anyone who reads Gawker), I was still sad to see her announce the news this morning. I may be one of a dwindling few that still likes her, but, well, I do, and moreso I like the dynamic that she and Matt had on the show. (Oh - look at me there - I said "had". I guess I'm moving on just fine.) Sure, she could be annoying sometimes, and once in a while, self-righteous (uh, this was meant to be a nice tribute, I swear), but I think that's part of what made her - and the show - so interesting. Rival Diane Sawyer is a fine journalist, but at 8 AM, comes off a bit one-dimensional compared to Katie's love-her-or-hate-her persona. As for what Meredith Viera will bring to the table, well, let's just hope she brings anything but Star Jones.

Note that Katie was out all last week on vacation, no doubt preparing for the big announcement and the onslaught of media attention sure to follow. Gawker noticed that she looked particularly well-rested on Monday, suggesting that an eye lift may have been on her time-off itinery. I, too, noticed the change, but after studying her on Larry King tonight, I'm convinced she only had some strategically placed Botox and very well placed fat or Restalyne injections.

How about that? I brought it back to an LA topic after all.


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