Friday, December 30, 2005

Holiday recap, abridged

A week away from blogging and my mind is mush. It's possible my mind is like that, however, because - thanks to an early morning cross country flight and the three hour time difference - I've been awake for what seems like a day and a half, yet it's only 1 pm in LA. Welcome to my longest day ever.

The trip home was a good one. I made enough plans with friends and family to keep from getting bored, although a good deal of the trip was spent lounging on my mother's couch watching reruns of Law and Order. Not that I am complaining. Casa Dalton is the best deal in town and has a great restaurant to boot.

The annual Holden Hallmark Christmas was happily celebrated with 35 of our closest friends and family members. I'll post some pictures under "My Family" photo album (look to the right), along with some others I took this week. While I've always enjoyed getting together with family, it meant even more to me this year seeing as I live so far away from it all. Really, though, why does it have to be so far? I always say that if I could just pick up southern California and put it somewhere in Connecticut, everyone would be happy.

Alas, I'm across the country again, and feel somewhat guilty about the fact that I am happy to be here. It's 65 degrees and sunny though - can you blame me? The first thing I did after dropping my bags was change out of my Uggs into flip flops and walked in my t-shirt to Starbucks (mmm, I missed my Starbucks!) for an iced coffee. It's not just the weather I love, but the lifestyle. And while my apartment is still fairly sparse and could use more decor, it has sunlight streaming through its many windows. Nothing else could make me feel more at home.


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