Wednesday, November 02, 2005

It's all downhill from here

Seven months from today I will turn 30. To help me mentally prepare, my body has taken the liberty of acting its age - and I'm not just talking smile lines. My knee has been hurting for over a week now. I noticed it last Monday night in NYC when I kneeled down (knelt?) to stuff a gift bag and it hurt! I've never had a problem with my knees - even despite all the running I do -and it only hurt when I bent it in that way, so I figured maybe it was from the lack of leg room on the plane or something equally trivial.

A week and change later, it still hurts. Oddly, it doesn't hurt when I run (or walk, or hike - all things I have done this week); it just hurts when I bend it, stretch it, or try to flex it. Nothing appears swollen or bruised, but it feels different and doesn't allow me free range of motion. Cheers to physically shutting down, one body part at a time.

I know I shouldn't complain. I'm younger now than I'm going to be ever again. 30 is the new 20. I'm really 29 going on 19. SO WHY DO I HAVE JOINT PAIN?????


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