Sunday, June 26, 2005

The start of summer

Just when I was complaining that there was no official start to summer here, mine seems to have begun this week, just in time with the actual calendar. Ironic, since I am in one area of the country in which the calendar doesn't reflect the seasons at all, at least temperature wise. I don't know why, exactly, it's just that suddenly this week I got busy at work (still not like NYC, but busy) and all of aa sudden everyone is talking about travel plans and future trips, and it just has that feeling of summer.

Last night I went to a housewarming party for this girl that I met who also just recently moved from New York. She got a deal on a place downtown, which is NOT an an area in which anyone lives, hence the deal. They (the city of LA) are trying to build up the downtown area, so they've developed these great apartment complexes, and to get people to sign up, they'll offer a month or two free rent. Plus, these places have rooftop pools and hot tubs, game rooms, etc., so you do get a ton for the money. However, the rules of real estate to my knowledge have not changed, and in my opinion, it's still all about location, location, location. Her place was great, but you couldn't pay me to live there. Her apartment was nice and big, but we spent most of the time on her roofdeck by the hot tub. I got there around 8 when the sun was setting, so that was kind of nice having the sunset and the big shiny buildings all around us lighting up for the night, but guess what - that's exactly why I left New York. If I wanted roofdecks and skyscrapers, and city trash and elevators, I would have stayed on 33rd Street. I'm glad she's happy, but it's not for me.

I met Tracy out after at Falcon, which makes that my second time there in a month. It was a good scene, but I was tired, and left around midnight. Next Friday we are going to Prey for one of her friend's b-day's. I'm excited for that - I've wanted to go there since it was featured in Entourage last season. I'm easy to please.



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