Thursday, June 02, 2005

My Birthday

I turned 29 today (29!!!), and I am happier about having a birthday than I have been in years. I woke up feeling giddy, like a little kid does who can't wait to be older, or like I suppose I felt when I turned 21.

I came into work, and the girls had decorated my office with streamers. No one has done that in a LONG time. I remember working at Behrman - it must have been my 24th b-day (which was probably the last birthday I absolutely loved) - when Jill had decorated my desk and gave me stupid presents that I kept for years after. My company actually gives everyone the option of taking their birthday off, but I didn't want to sit home alone for no reason; I'll save the day for when I want a long weekend or to travel or something. We'll have cake later today. I probably won't do anything tonight, which is fine, since I am still recovering from the long weekend with Kris and Maria. I am looking forward to this weekend, during which I plan to shop, gym, wash my car, and relax!


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