Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Earth-shattering news

I went to bed at 9PM last night, so I was not aware until I was driving to work this morning that there had been an earthquake off the coast of California/Oregon, which resulted in a brief (and subsequently retracted) tsunami warning. Natural disasters aside, there were two other stories that shook the earth on this morning's radio broadcasts.

1.) Phil Jackson is back with the Lakers. (Great. I didn't know he left or who he was in the first place, but apparently, that makes me the only person in LA who doesn't know his story. Or care.)
2.) Jennifer Aniston admitted to a Vanity Fair editor (what is with VF getting all the scoops this month?) to be published in an upcoming issue that the reason she and Brad broke up was not because she did not want children, but because Brad was cheating on her with another woman.

This girl has an interesting theory that Brad's peeps may have planted the tsunami story in the hopes of detracting attention from Jen's confession, and even brings MJ and W into the loop. Tom Cruise's people (Lee-Ann) could take a lesson here...

I think I've been in LA too long.



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