Wednesday, June 29, 2005

New York in LA

I did a very New York thing last night: I went to see amateur actors perform monologues for even more amateur audience members. I guess the fact that they were amateur actors gives this some LA cred, but the whole thing reeked more of performance art than budding talent. It was a good call on my part to actually check the event out before committing to anything, because while most of the performers were in need of a good Lather, they weren't exactly our target audience. Andy Dick was the biggest name on there, and he was a no show. To reiterate, not exactly our target audience.

But I am being mean. And shallow. It was actually pretty fun. Just not my scene. I might have appreciated it more had I not been stuck behind a pole all night and maybe could have SEEN the performers, but I need to be near the bar at all times and that took precedence over actually watching the show.



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