Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Whatchu talkin' about, Willis?

I stood behind this really interesting-looking girl at Starbucks today. She wore super-tight, skinny jeans of a dark wash and no discernible brand name; a baggy t-shirt, haphazardly tucked in to one of her pockets; a gray hoodie with 1960's-style patches that I couldn't decide - did it come that way or did she sew them on herself?; and green ballet flats that weren't at all my style and yet somehow, paired with the rest of her disheveled outfit, looked chicer than the silver ones I had on.

Her long hair tumbled over the hood of her sweatshirt and down her back, and though it was kind of ratty at the ends, like she was long overdue for a trim, I found myself slightly envious of her flowing mane. Thinking that she probably doesn't realize that it all starts to thin around 30. What do they say? Youth is wasted on the young? Yeah, that.

Standing in line, I got kind of lost in it all, this carefully crafted, artistic mess. Who was she, why was she here, ordering coffee amidst all us commuters? Then, the barista asked for her name along with her drink order, and I heard her answer, "Scout."

Now, that's not a common name. There is only one Scout I'm aware of, and that's Scout Willis, middle child of Bruce and Demi. I stole a glance as I moved up to place my order, and sure enough, it was her.

I've never actually seen a picture of her before, at least not recently, but I did see her sister, Rumer, at a party a few weeks ago, and it was the same face. The same porcelain skin, the same features as their movie star parents. (Rumer is beautiful by the way. Photos do not do her justice.) Suddenly, now that I understood she was a celebrity, her eclectic outfit made sense, although her reason for being in West LA didn't. My neighborhood is lovely, but it's not the hippest part of town.

I kind of forgot about all of this until a few hours ago, when my friend Miya started telling me about her day working as an extra on a new movie. She was running through the cast, and then said, "Oh! And guess who stopped by?" Demi and Scout. Apparently Rumer is in the movie, and mom and middle daughter made an appearance on the set.

Isn't that strange? I've never given any thought to Scout Willis in my life, and now she turns up twice in one day? The Celestine Prophecy would say that she has a message for me, but I can't for the life of me think what it might be. Join the Girl Scouts? Don't spread Rumors? Maybe I am just getting Punk'd.



At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently, Scout was out, with a new route!. Hehe ;-) couldn't resist

At 9:59 AM, Blogger AmyD said...

Oh shit...so people who come into your life randomly more than once are there to tell us something? I better start listening a little better, then! ;o)

Great tale, Lori!

At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another reason why I love LA - random celeb sightings like this one. Love it. Good story.

At 4:47 PM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who looks into everything as non-coincidence because of that book. 15 years later and I'm still wondering what it all means.

If you have one more interaction, then we have some serious discussing to do.

At 9:51 AM, Blogger Samantha said...

Coincidence or not, it was a very funny story.


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