Friday, September 14, 2007

Junior High called. They want their music back.

As if I haven't listened to enough 80's music this week, I am supposed to run the Nike Run Hit Remix tomorrow.

I say "supposed to" because my hip has been hurting for weeks now, and I'm not sure I'll be able to run the whole thing, even to the motivational music of Sir Mix a Lot, Naughty by Nature (not that I hate ya), and MC Hammer who will be performing live at various points throughout the course. Common sense tells me to consider skipping the race, but I've already paid the $40, and well, this baby's got back since slowing down my running schedule over the last few weeks to accommodate my hip.

Frankly, the whole thing has been more trouble than it's worth. Initially, I signed up with a group of friends. Since then, two have had to back out due to injuries, so now I know only two other people running the race. I don't actually care about running with someone; to be honest, I prefer to run alone. But races are only fun when you have people to meet up with at the finish line, to nosh on bagels, share your experiences, and, in this case, laugh at the fact that you are at an MC Hammer concert. Again.

Then there is the fact that it starts at 9 AM. Downtown. Which means I will have to get up at 7 (on a Saturday!) to eat, leave by 7:45 and get on the grounds by 8:30 or so. The only other races I have done were in New York, and started at 10 in the conveniently central Central Park. I'd drop my bag around 9, meet up with friends, and meet them back at the bag drop after the race. This time, I'm pretty sure there is no bag drop. I'll have to leave everything in my car except my keys. Including my cell phone. And without my cell phone, I don't have any way of connecting with my friends once we're at the race, because, oh!, every single runner is required to wear the same red Nike T-shirt that also serves as our race number.

Now, come on, Nike. You couldn't just give us pin-on numbers like a normal race? You want us all to wear the same outfit? Apparently they are also serving as our "tickets" into the concerts, and without them, Naughty by Nature's bodyguards could mistake us for ne'er well doers from the nearby Skid Row. But there's just no way I can count on finding my friends, sans cell phone, in a red sea 10,000 people deep.

Hip hop hooray. Boo ya.

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At 7:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh don't be such a whiner and just run. I'll be runnin' it as well (#3931).

At 11:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I set a new PR!

At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let's try that again...

I Set a New PR!

that's beter.

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Congratulations! You are right - I AM such a whiner! That was one of the most fun things I've done, possibly ever. I wish I knew you had been running it!

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Go Nicole Yourself said...

Oh I'm SO glad to read that last comment. You have to do a post detailing it - OR just send me an email cause now I'm dying to hear about it.

At 6:56 PM, Blogger Diana said...

LORI- please tell us how it went!! I am so jealous!!


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