Thursday, September 29, 2005

Where there's smoke

there's wildfire.

It's that time of year again, and right now there is a brushfire making its way through the north end of the valley and areas plenty far away from me. I saw it on the news this morning, and again on the plane tonight (Jet Blue shows live television - brilliant!), and as soon as I walked out of the airport I could smell it. The entire west side of LA smells of smoke, like we all just threw the biggest bonfire party ever.

The wildfire will continue to make news as long as it continues to affect some of the wealthiest areas of the city. The difference from this natural disaster and Katrina is that most of these evacuees will take refuge in a suite at The Four Seasons.

The temperature has been in the 90's here over the last few days, and I came home to an apartment that felt as much like an oven as it smelled. Fortunately I had left one window open, and now I have my fan going so I can hopefully get some sleep tonight. I may sleep in the living room in front of the window. Always a good idea until the garbage men come by at 6 AM.



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