In the spirit of Alice Nelson

I've written before about my bathtub. It's old, and as such, I tend to mistake dirt for stains. Stains that have pre-dated my time in this apartment. Because, I'll be honest with you - and this is partly why I shouldn't be offering domestic advice - but I don't really understand how bathtubs get dirty in the first place.
Maybe if I were a bather I could understand the dirt accretion - I mean, it's just sitting there for however long the bath runs and then, as the water sloooowwwwwly drains, probably adheres to a ring around the tub. However, I don't take baths precisely because I don't enjoy being submersed in my own filth. I take only showers, which quickly and efficiently rinses dirty water down the drain - with soap! - so I can't comprehend the physics behind it.
Regardless, I'd been noticing over the past week that my tub was looking more stained than usual. So this weekend I sprayed the Clorox Disinfecting Bathroom Cleanser, let it sit, and then scrubbed. And saw no improvement. So I did it again: spray, let sit, scrub. Nothing. Finally, as the cleanser set during the third go-around, I decided to consult the all-knowing Internet. (Why it always takes me so long to think of these things, I don't know, but I'm gifted in other ways.)
I Googled "How to get rid of bathtub stains" and quickly came across a situation that looked similar to my own. I started reading through the comments, and noticed a handful of people recommending pumice stone. Then I read another site that suggested combining pumice stone with eucalyptus for a more ecological treatment. Then I remembered that I own a foot scrub that's basically just ground up pumice with eucalyptus oil, and decided to give it a go.
And what do you know? In five minutes, my tub was sparkling. Brilliant. Completely stain-free. My sponge was destroyed, and I'm not advocating the regular use of pricey beauty products for something so declasse, but since I'm more likely to stock up on skin scrubs than baking soda, it was the perfect solution in a pinch.
I am a dork, but this post made me redonkulously happy. I love making dirt go away.
FWIW, I only scrub out my bathtub if I'm having guests who'll see it or maybe every month or so and I never see real rings of dirt. However, my former roommate 9am (who I think only showered and never took baths) left his bathtub FILTHY when he moved out. Which both disgusted and fascinated me since I wonder HOW he got it so gross what with being a self-proclaimed neat freak.
Great job! As a matter of fact, I cleaned my own shower this morning before cleaning myself this morning, and was wholly unsatisfied by the results. I'll be adding 'pumice with eucalyptus oil' to my shopping list today!
I had a rommate that used to give me crap all the time for leaving my shoes in the living room and I had the house cleaned once a week except for his room since he didnt pay but when he moved out his tub was sooooo disgusting.
I love a good sparkly dish. Thats why I hate most dishwashers.
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