Wednesday, May 17, 2006


(Scene: Equinox, as I'm explaining to my trainer how I ran by the famous outdoor gym, Muscle Beach, and was equal parts appalled and fascinated by the act of public weightlifting.)

Trainer: So what did you think?

Me: I think you'd have to be a total narcissist to work out there.

Trainer (looking confused): Why?

Me: Because you'd have to be totally self-involved to want an entire beach staring at you as you exercise.

Trainer (looking even more confused): A client called me a narcissist the other day.

Me (incredulous): She did?

Trainer: Yes, but I think she meant it in a good way.

Me: Really? Well, do you know what it means?

Trainer: No.

(I explain the story of Narcissus who was so vain he drowned in his own reflection)

Trainer: Oh, then she must have meant something else.

Me: Why? What did she say?

Trainer: She said I was working her so hard that I must be a total narcissist.

Me (bursting out in laughter): I think the word she was looking for was masochist.



At 7:58 AM, Blogger Dustin said...

....alright that made me laugh.

thats hard to do first thing in the morning.

i owe ya one.


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