Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Dad!

You might not be able to tell from these pictures, but I actually look a lot like my dad. I have the same dimple in the chin, the same long legs, and if it weren’t for a dedicated obsession with waxing, I might also have the same bushy mustache.

We have the same hands and uncoordinated feet; the same facial bone structure, and are capable of making such similar expressions such that sometimes when I look at him I feel like I am looking in a mirror. Or at least a portal that gives a 57 year old man the same face as a 30 year old woman.

We’re also both Gemini’s. However, while I’m your textbook Twin – writer, communicator, dual personalities that borderline on bipolar – my dad is much quieter, more private, more even-keeled. If I didn't look so much like him it would be completely reasonable to assume that I might be the milkman's daughter. Considering that he made me drink milk with every meal for 18 years of my childhood, I guess, in a way, I am. But since I am practically the only adult I know who still enjoys a big frosty glass, to that I say, cheers! And Happy Birthday, Dad!



At 2:54 AM, Blogger Otis said...

Hello there...I love the bottom picture. I suppose everyone has pictures with Dad; however, as I have aged, I appreciate them more each time I look at them.


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