Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Checked Out

It's so appropriate that I just changed the channel from Sex and the City to Laguna Beach.
It all started when Friends turned to Joey.
Even The Apprentice is filming the next season in LA.
How many more signs do I need?
How about that my number one client now plans to quit at the end of February - just when I had planned on packing my bags and saying my goodbyes. A month earlier would have been weird. This couldn't work out any better. Although the situation is still shitty and my morale is down. But what can you do?

Today was a crappy day. In the 40's and raining, all day. It's been like that the past two days. The perfect weather for me to sit and daydream about LA. Too bad it is only going to get colder before it gets warmer.

I need to call the landlord and see what the next steps are with the lease/apt. I've been putting it off though, because it is so early, and I'm so afraid that if I sign it and commit, something terrible will happen and prevent me from going. The top two fears were my mom getting sick and me getting fired. Getting fired definitely seemed like a possibility today when I heard the news, although it seems my boss is more afraid of me quitting than anything else. Interesting position to be in. If I got fired I would still go to LA, just sooner! And then I wouldn't want to start a lease on March 19th! I suppose I could do a sublet for a few months, but move twice? No thank you. In any case, it doesn't even seem to be an issue, but it just makes me hate my job that much more knowing the one beauty account is leaving and I'll be doing busy work (or worse, fashion work) my last few weeks and months there. I suppose I could be super proactive, and go out and search for new biz, but I don't want to make all those relationships when I know I am leaving anyway. Plus, I am not even supposed to know the news yet. She might not even tell me for a few weeks. Personally I'd be surprised if she kept it a secret that long.

What a LONG day. I skipped the gym and took a little nap. Now I am more awake, and just reflecting. I hate reflecting. I think that is why I drink at night. No need to reflect. Not drinking anything tonight though. Didn't drink last night either. Which probably explains why I felt like ass this morning and all day. I've been noticing that when I DON'T drink at night I usually feel like crap the next day; whereas when I have a glass of wine or two or three I wake up right at 7:30 AM feeling great. I know that is bad. I've noticed that for the past few weeks. Trying to cut back, but it is hard. I understand now that when I have talked to my mom about quitting smoking, she just says so honestly, "but they are my best friends - they are always there." I mean, I have actual best friends, she doesn't, but it is always there.

Kristin's party is this weekend. Excited for the party, not excited for the fact that literally almost every single person going is going with their boyfriend/girlfriend. Most of these people aren't even my friends, but hers - from law school or elsewhere. Maria can't go b/c she'll be in Boston, and my other friends have another party that night. I will probably go to that party as well, but only for a little bit. It will be fun, but then it will just be another Sunday again.

Wow - I am a ton of fun tonight. Maybe I should get a drink - not that I have anything. I think my personality went out the door with the empty bottles from the weekend. Maybe that's why you see the drunken bums searching through garbage - they aren't really looking for bottles but personalities. Oh - there it is!



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